.NET Tips and Tricks

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Ensure HTML Forms Are Closed with the Using Block and BeginForm

In your Views, you can get the BeginForm helper to not only write out the open tag for your HTML form, but to write out your form's end tag. The trick is to call BeginForm as part of a Using block. The code looks like this, in Visual Basic:

@Using Html.BeginForm(...parms...)
  ...rest of form...
End Using

This C# code does the same thing:

@using (Html.BeginForm(...parms...))
  ...rest of form...

At the end of the Using block, the compiler will automatically call the Dispose method of the class the BeginForm uses. That Dispose method will politely add the end form tag to your page, so you'll end up with something like this:

<form action="...rest of the attributes...>
  <input type="text"...
  ...rest of form...

As you can see, the Using block also creates a structure in your View that you can slip all of your form elements inside.

Posted by Peter Vogel on 01/28/2016

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