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What's New in Visual Basic 14? String Interpolation and Multiline Literals

I love the String object's Format method. It's an unusual application where I'm not using it to build messages. (Long ago and far away, I used to use it to assemble SQL statements.) Typical code looks like this:

Me.txtErrorMessage.Text = 
  String.Format("You must be in {0} status to update {1}.", statusLevel, operationTarget)

In Visual Basic 14, with string interpolation, the code gets much simpler: I just put the variable name in the curly braces where I used to put the numerical place holders. The Visual Basic 14 version looks like this:

Me.txtErrorMessage.Text = 
  String.Format("You must be in {statusLevel} status to update {operationTarget}.")

Here's another string-related feature: multiline literals. In Visual Basic 14, you can split string literals over many lines without having to use the concatenation operator:

Message = "This is an unnecessarily "
          "long string that stretches "
          "over three lines with using &."

Next time, some more new favorites.

Posted by Peter Vogel on 05/12/2015

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