.NET Tips and Tricks

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Control XML Output with SaveOptions

As my column Creating Complex XML Documents with XML Literals indicates, I think your best choice for creating complex XML documents is to use XML Literals with the XElement object. As I note in that column, generating the XML document from an XElement object is easy: Just call the Save method, passing a file name. That gives you a beautiful XML document, with each nested element nicely indented and starting on a new line.

But, of course, if you're just going to pass that document to some other process then all that "pretty printing" is a waste of time. You're better off passing SaveOptions.DisableFormatting as the second parameter to the Save method which saves your XML without indentation:

Dim elm As XElement
elm.Save("c:\test.xml", SaveOptions.DisableFormatting)

There, that's much simpler.

Posted by Peter Vogel on 01/16/2015

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