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VS 2010 Beta 1 Bits: They're Heeere!

We expected to see Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Beta 1 in the Tech-Ed timeframe and Microsoft didn't disappoint us.

On Monday, May 18 -- the first business day following the educational conference -- the company made Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 betas available for download to MSDN subscribers.

Tomorrow, May 20, the public betas will be ready for download here.

OK, it might have made more sense to release the betas at Tech-Ed so developer attendees who actually paid to go to the conference could get the first look at the VS 2010 betas and discuss what's in them with Microsoft folks. But that's only my opinion -- maybe deadlines were missed.

Jason Zander, the GM of Visual Studio, gives of walkthrough of some of the new VS 2010 and .NET 4 functionality in his blog here.

Of course, he calls it ".NET Framework 4.0" -- another one of those Microsofties who didn't get the memo about the official numbering of the new framework -- but why sweat the small stuff? I'm an editor and I'm paid to notice those things.

There's no doubt that they work hard in Redmond and the next-gen of Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4 are here and definitely worth checking out. Learn more about the new tooling here.

Test it out and express your views on what's in VS 2010 Beta 1 below or contact me directly at krichards@reddevnews.com.

Posted by Kathleen Richards on 05/19/2009

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