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Controversy at PDC?

You may have read about Microsoft's far-reaching Oslo project -- launched in 2007 with great ambitions -- transitioning to a group of technologies to be incorporated into SQL Server called SQL Server Modeling.

Kathleen Richards at Redmond Developer News explained the change last week in her RDN Express blog.

The move generated a strong reaction from developers. Douglas Purdy's blog post announcing the shift in strategy had garnered more than 25 mostly negative comments -- with terms like "disappointment" and "wrong direction" being thrown around -- when Purdy responded.

Here's one choice tidbit from his comment: "The great irony to all these comments is that all we did was change the name from 'Oslo' to SQL Server Modeling and now we get the #fail tag."

The next day Purdy followed up with a posting titled "On DSLs and a few other things...." Two days after that a second follow-up post came out titled "On M." (That's the new programming language that constitutes one of the three main components of SQL Server Modeling, if you didn't know.)

So I'm looking forward to news coming out of the Professional Developer's Conference taking place right now in Los Angeles. Especially the Thursday presentation: "Oslo Modeling and DSL."

Should be interesting.

Posted by David Ramel on 11/18/2009

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