Maximize Productivity With ASP.NET

Web development is about to take another great leap forward. Powerful features in the new version of ASP.NET will save you time and reduce your code-writing requirements.

Sighs Heave for "Last Gasp"

Readers react to Alan Cooper's Software Architect column, "The Last Gasp, " even asserting that Alan "must be living on another planet."

Product Listings

Take a look at these various add-ins to your Visual Studio .NET environment.

Architecting Security for Web Services

Ponder the security challenges posed by Web services, how to address them with security architecture, and what security architecture can offer going forward when XML traverses firewalls.

Managing for Security

For many reasons, enterprise application security is an inefficient and expensive model. Obviously there''s no such thing as a completely secure application, but enterprises must target an acceptable level of risk.

Make Sense of Web Service Discovery

Rumors of DISCO's death have been greatly exaggerated -- it's simply hibernating. Roger Jennings shows you how to wake the DISCO service and prepare for eventual migration to its replacement: WS-Inspection.

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