Simplify Site Updates With Templates

Use a template to create a consistent look and feel for a Web site that doesn't require the end user who updates the site to be a programmer himself.

Transform XML Visually

Visual XSLT 2.0 integrates seamlessly into the VS.NET IDE to provide a powerful environment for developing XML transformations and XPath queries.

Use DataSets as Business Objects

Enhance the DataSet class with inheritance and extend its associated XML schema to hook validation checks and custom validation routines into DataSets declaratively.

Accelerate the Delivery of .NET Apps

Check out a number of .NET add-ins, including one that helps accelerate the deliver of .NET Framework solutions.

Serialize Arrays and ArrayLists to XML

The XmlSerializer class provides a great way to convert objects to XML and back. However, it can be difficult to serialize collections such as Arrays and ArrayLists properly unless you know a few tricks.

WinFS: The Longhorn Data Layer

WinFS offers new ways to interact with data that redefine how the operations system offers up data. Check out what's new with a snapshot of its current architecture model.

Get a Grip on Longhorn

The upcoming Windows version's refactored API and new graphics-presentation model, storage subsystem, and messaging services will bring development opportunities -- and challenges.

Manage SharePoint Lists

Use the Lists Web service and CAML to update Windows SharePoint Services' MSDE database.

Build a Longhorn App

Longhorn includes significant changes that will affect developers, from how it handles graphics to how it stores data. Learn how to create a simple Longhorn app.

Longhorn: The Base Operating System

The complex model for Longhorn's base operating system illustrates how Microsoft has organized it, as well as where any piece you're interested in fits into the larger view.

Pros and Cons of SQLXML

Roger Jennings answers a reader who asserts that using the SQLXML interface to provide HTTP access to SQL Server is not appropriate for high-performance, enterprise solutions.

VB.NET for Whidbey Aims to Wow

Chris Dias, group program manager for Visual Basic .NET at Microsoft, talks about the present and future of the language, including the target audience of this tool.

VB.NET Branches Out

Chris Dias, group program manager for Visual Basic .NET at Microsoft, talks about the present and future of the language, including the target audience of this tool.

XML Advances on B2B Front

Version 2 of the .NET Framework introduces XML-to-relational data mapping, support for XQuery, and typed APIs. Find out why these changes are great news for B2B app development.

Integrate xmlspy 2004 Into VS.NET

Integrate Altova's new release of xmlspy 2004 into your existing Visual Studio .NET projects.

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