Web Development

New Azure Web PubSub Unveiled for Real-time WebSocket Apps

Because WebSockets allows for full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection, it can be used to open a two-way interactive communication session between the user's browser and a server.

Modular Blazor App Framework Oqtane Boosts Templates

The Oqtane project -- a modular application framework for Blazor -- has been updated with more templating functionality, along with user experience (UX) improvements and fixes.

React Native Windows Team 'Dogfoods' New Update

Microsoft highlights work done to support React Native 0.64, for using JavaScript and React library for Windows 10 devices.

New in .NET: ML.NET/Model Builder Updates, PeachPie 1.0, Xamarin Performance Monitoring

Updates to Microsoft's AI/ML tooling highlight recent developments in the .NET dev world, which include PeachPie 1.0 (PHP in .NET) and new performance monitoring support for Xamarin.

Firm Automates Legacy Web Forms-to-ASP.NET Core Conversions

Migration technology uses the Angular web framework and Progress Kendo UI user interface elements to convert ASP.NET Web Forms client code to HTML and CSS, with application business logic converted automatically to ASP.NET Core.

Project Oqtane Provides Blazor-Based Modern App Framework

The .NET Foundation recently shined a spotlight on Project Oqtane, a modern application framework for Blazor, Microsoft's red-hot open source project that enables web development in C#.

Radzen Open Sources 60+ Blazor Components

Radzen, a development tooling vendor that provides third-party components for .NET coders, open sourced its controls for Blazor, Microsoft's red-hot open source project that enables web development in C#.

Telerik UI for Blazor Updated

Progress announced an update to its Telerik UI for Blazor components, targeting Microsoft's open source Blazor framework that lets C# coders create web apps without having to rely upon JavaScript.

Infragistics Unveils UI Components for Blazor

Infragistics, specializing in third-party UI/UX controls and tools, unveiled a new offering targeting Blazor, Microsoft's red-hot open source framework that allows for C#-based web development instead of traditional mainstay JavaScript.

Edge Browser Dev Tools for VS Code Now Generally Available

Microsoft has moved its Edge browser development tools for Visual Studio Code from preview to general availability, providing in-editor web site debugging and other functionality.

Microsoft Announces Playwright for Python Web Testing Tool

The Playwright tool that automates web testing for JavaScript applications is now out in preview for Python.

Blazor Guru Details Best Performance Practices

Microsoft's point man on the Blazor project -- and basically the creator of the project -- Steve Sanderson, is detailing performance best practices for the web development framework that uses C# instead of JavaScript.

Speed Lines Graphic

New for Blazor: Azure Static Web Apps Support

With Blazor taking the .NET web development world by storm, one of the first announcements during Microsoft's Ignite 2020 developer/IT event was its new support in Azure Static Web Apps.

Blazor Gets Faster (Even Without AOT)

The C#-based Blazor web development framework received a performance boost with the new Release Candidate (RC) of the unifying .NET 5, scheduled for one more RC before go-live general availability in November

What's New in Blazor Tooling Updates

Here's a quick look at what four major third-party Blazor tooling vendors have offered lately for Microsoft's red-hot project that allows for web development with C# instead of JavaScript.

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