Web Development

Q&A with Philip Japikse: Top Tips for Moving to ASP.NET Core 2 for Web Apps and RESTful Services

Moving your apps is not going to be a "port" -- find out why and what other advice Japikse has for tranisitioning your apps to the revolutionary new ASP.NET Core 2.

How to Consume Web APIs in Blazor

Chris Sainty provides hands-on code samples on how to use Web APIs to interact with Blazor, an experimental framework from the ASP.NET team that allows developers to write C# and Razor code and have it run in the browser via WebAssembly.

Babel 7 JavaScript Compiler Adds TypeScript Support

The popular open source Babel compiler that makes modern JavaScript compatible with older environments has shipped in version 7 and, with help from Microsoft, now supports TypeScript.

Integrating Blazor and JavaScript Code

Downloading compiled C# code to the browser using Blazor is all very good -- but it would be so much better if you can integrate your Blazor code with JavaScript. Here’s how to do that.

New ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2 Supports C# 7.3, Adds Initial Blazor Support

.NET development tool specialist JetBrains has launched ReSharper Ultimate 2018.2, with performance improvements, support for C# 7.3 and initial support for the hot new Blazor project, which aims to allow for C#-based Web development.

ASP.NET Core: New Preview Out as Survey Says It's Going Mainstream

Things are happening fast for ASP.NET Core, as Microsoft just released a new Version 2.2.0 preview while a recent developer survey indicates the Web dev framework is quickly becoming a mainstream option.

Visual Studio Update Boosts Web Dev

The recent release of Visual Studio 2017 15.8 featured a bevy of improvements for Web developers, ranging from new Docker container to Azure Functions functionality.

Generate Useful Documentation for Your Web API Project

If you want to impress your boss (or client) with your diligence in generating documentation for your Web Service, then you need Swagger. That it will also make it easier for you to run tests on your service and check for typical errors is just icing on the cake.

Your First Blazor App

Blazor is the Microsoft toolset that exploits the WebAssembly standard to let you write C# code that will run in your browser. Here's how to set up Visual Studio 2017 and create your first app.

TypeScript 3.0 Ships

It includes new project reference functionality, support for operating on parameter lists, new types to enforce explicit checks, improved JSX support, a better error UX and much more.

GrapeCity Updates Dev Tools, Adds VS Code Extension

GrapeCity, known for its Microsoft-centric components and development tools, has issued a new software release, featuring new .NET controls and a Visual Studio Code extension for its JavaScript-based designer.

Django, Flask Web App Tutorials Added to Python Docs for Visual Studio, VS Code

Microsoft added new Web app tutorials -- covering Django and Flask -- to its Python documentation for Visual Studio and its open source little cousin, the cross-platform Visual Studio Code editor.

What's New in TypeScript 3.0 Release Candidate

Microsoft's TypeScript team just shipped the release candidate for the upcoming TypeScript 3.0, incorporating many new features dealing with project references, a new 'unknown' type and more.

Microsoft Boosts Performance of WebAssembly (Used for Blazor) in Edge Browser

Microsoft has boosted the performance of WebAssembly -- and JavaScript -- in Edge's rendering engine, benefitting both developers and users.

Blazor Update Boosts .NET/JavaScript Interoperability

Microsoft continues to churn out updates to its experimental Blazor technology for running C# code on the Web, with the latest boosting JavaScript interoperability.

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