Web Development

Parallel Pickle

What's your strategy for going parallel?

On the Benefits of Learning Multiple Languages

Developers of VB and C# can learn a lot from the similarities -- and differences -- between the two.

Code Generation Made Easy

Microsoft works to promote the Text Template Transformation Toolkit, a code generator built into Visual Studio 2008.

What VB Devs Should Know About C# Programming

Chances are C# is not your first programming language. Here are several tips that can help you leverage C# better if you already know VB.NET.

Cloud Connector

Microsoft's Robert Wahbe on Azure and S+S applications.

Governance for .NET SOA Frameworks

Microsoft's Managed Services Engine, designed to facilitate enterprise SOA through service virtualization, gains SOA governance support.

Microsoft Releases Free Chart Controls

Microsoft has rolled out a software package for the .NET Framework 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008 users that allows developers to quickly setup interactive charts and graphs for applications without writing any code.

Web PI Gains XP, Windows 2003 Support

Facing criticism that the beta of its Web Platform Installer didn't support Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, Microsoft addressed that complaint with the release candidate made available yesterday.

First Look: Komodo IDE 5.0

This month, ActiveState released Komodo IDE 5.0, the company's latest integrated development environment (IDE).

IE8 Release Candidate Coming on 1Q 2009

Microsoft's Internet Explorer 8 apparently will have its product debut some time next year, according to an announcement released on Wednesday by the company.

Routing Your ASP.NET Application

New for ASP.NET developers with .NET 3.5 SP1 is routing, an easy way to simplify site maintenance -- and give meaning to your users' lives.

Yang To Step Down as Yahoo CEO

Jerry Yang is transitioning out as Yahoo's CEO, but he will continue on as a member of the board, according to an announcement issued late on Monday by the online search and advertising company.

Microsoft Sues To Protect Visual Studio Users

Three companies are seeking indemnification from Microsoft after being sued for using technology associated with Microsoft's Visual Studio software development platform.

Executing Debuggables

How do you track down what's really going on inside your compiled EXEs?

Parallel Extensions

New .NET libraries support data and task parallelism.

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