Web Development

Dynamically Generate Complex Pages with the MultiView

The MultiView control allows you to swap sets of controls on and off the page. But the MultiView control also makes it easier for you to generate new page content and add it at run time.

Zend Advances PHP and Cloud Effort at ZendCon

Zend Technologies, creator and commercial maintainer of the PHP dynamic scripting language, Wednesday kicked off its ZendCon conference by releasing the first public beta of its Zend Server 5.0 Web-app server.

Oracle Promises Integration of Disparate Wares

With its portfolio bulging with 3,000 disparate products based on 59 acquisitions, Oracle outlined some key updates on its efforts to make them work together at its annual OpenWorld conference.

Supporting a Printer-Friendly Page Button (Part I)

Peter investigates three solutions for getting junk off your page when the user wants to print a copy.

.NET Rx Framework: A Watershed Advance in Asynch Programming

This summer Microsoft quietly released the first key components of its .NET Reactive (Rx) Framework, which allows developers to write Language Integrated Query (LINQ) expressions against events.

Google Finds Way To Bypass Internet Explorer Engine

Google introduced a coding plug-in for Web site developers that instructs Microsoft Internet Explorer browsers to use Google Chrome technologies.

Startup Aims to Bring Flash Back to the Web

FluidHtml is a new markup language that lets Web developers generate Flash on Web sites without running the browser plug-in.

Adobe Acquisition of Omniture Adds Flash to Web Analytics

In a move that raised some eyebrows, Adobe Systems said it will acquire Omniture Inc., a leading supplier of Web analytics technology, for $1.8 billion.

Supporting Multiple Languages and Cultures

ASP.NET can simplify the difficult task of internationalizing your Web pages. Peter Vogel shows you how.

PHP Cache Accelerator for Windows Unveiled

Microsoft on Tuesday announced a test version of an extension that's designed to help speed up PHP-based Web applications running on Windows platforms.


A reader responds to our August interview with Scott Guthrie, corporate VP of Microsoft's .NET Developer Platform group, about Silverlight 3.

Applying Model-View-View Model in Silverlight

Careful planning can help improve the manageability and quality of your next-generation Silverlight applications.

Microsoft Bridges PHP to ADO.NET Data Services

In its latest bid to show its support for PHP, Microsoft late last week released a toolkit that will bridge the popular scripting language to .NET-based data-driven applications.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Coming Soon?

Now that Microsoft is discontinuing its Oracle data providers, Oracle is readying an improved release of its own ODP.NET.

IE 8 Gets High Marks for Security in Reports

Microsoft is putting out the word that users of Internet Explorer 6 should upgrade to IE 8, primarily for security and standards-compliance reasons.

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