Web Development

Microsoft Releases IE 9 Preview 2

Microsoft released the second platform preview of Internet Explorer 9 for review by testers.

The HTML 5 Standard: Innovation or Oxymoron?

The next version of the Hypertext Markup Language, HTML 5, will bring true semantic capabilities to Web documents, augmenting their human-readable content with machine-readable data and metadata. Because of this, HTML 5 will affect the day-to-day work of Web developers everywhere.

Microsoft Embraces H.264 Video for IE 9

Microsoft voiced support for the H.264 video codec in future versions of Internet Explorer, while affirming Adobe Flash.

AJAX Data Strategies in .NET 4

Peter Vogel returns to creating an AJAX-enabled ASP.NET application using the latest tools out of the AJAX library and .NET 4. However, it turns out that you can't there from here... at least, not right away.

Developers Rank Microsoft .NET Ahead of Google and Other Frameworks

Evans Data conducted a global survey of 425 developers earlier this month to find out their overall satisfaction with software frameworks and Web platforms.

Telerik Expands Portfolio with Team Development Tools

The company is offering several tools that enable developers to work with Microsoft Team Foundation Server.

Silverlight 4 Officially Launched

Microsoft releases shipping version of Silverlight 4 with a focus on ease and speed of development

NetAdvantage for .NET Supports Windows 7 UI Styles and Visual Studio 2010

Windows Forms development is still dominant in the enterprise. Will more developers build Silverlight apps as the tooling becomes available in VS2010?

Open Data, Open Microsoft

I've always been a data guy. I think data maintenance, sharing and analysis is the inspiration for almost all line-of-business software, and technology that makes any or all of it easier is key to platform success.

MIX10: More on jQuery and ASP.NET 4

Microsoft ASP.NET Senior Program Manager Stephen Walther Talks with Peter Vogel about jQuery, AJAX and ASP.NET 4.

MIX10: Windows Phone Developer Tools Are Free, Silverlight 4 RC

Microsoft is enabling developers to use familiar tools and skills to build Silverlight applications for the Windows Phone 7 Series.

Silverlight at MIX10: New Framework Tracks Web Analytics

Silverlight news will play a major part in Microsoft's annual MIX10 conference for Web developers and designers in Las Vegas next week.

Microsoft: IE 8-Friendly Sites on the Rise

Microsoft cited progress on IE 8 use on Tuesday, suggesting that more Web developers are trusting the user experience with its newest browser.

Feds, Cloud Security Take Center Stage at RSA 2010

The speaker lineup at this year's annual RSA Security Conference and Expo, underway this week in San Francisco, is packing some serious federal heat.

Adding WCF Services to Silverlight

Explore the nuances of using WCF Services with Silverlight, and learn troubleshooting tips for working with Visual Studio 2010 and the .NET Framework 4.

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