The Practical Client

Setting Up Your TypeScript Application – 2018 Version

If you're wondering how to start integrating TypeScript into your development practices, here's both when to do it and how to do it.

Copying Classes in TypeScript

If you need to create a version of a class from several sources or just want to merge default values with a user's input, object spreading solves your problem. JavaScript won't let you do this (yet) but TypeScript will.

Tools for Debugging Web Workers

Web workers in TypeScript give you concurrent processing but they can be awkward to debug. However, if you set up your web worker code as just another function, you can simplify debugging (or even build your web worker dynamically at run time).

Simple Concurrent Client-Side Processing in ASP.NET MVC with Web Workers and TypeScript

Here's how to use web workers in ASP.NET MVC with TypeScript to enable concurrent processing in your client-side code. And, as a bonus, the correct way to think about web workers.

Simple Asynchronous Processing for Web Service Calls

You don't need to write ugly code to synchronize your AJAX calls. Instead, you can leverage await/async and the JQueryXHR object to simplify the code around your AJAX calls while still getting the benefits of concurrent processing.

Integrating Angular 2 Directives

It’s easy to integrate your own attribute directives into Angular 2 templates to pass data from your component to your directive, have it respond to events on your page or even have your directive fire events to be processed by the component using it.

Build Your DOM Additions with Angular and TypeScript

Here’s how, in Angular, you can use directives to dynamically modify HTML in Views without polluting your business logic.

Your First Angular App: Events and Updating

Peter completes his walk-through of creating a simple Angular app with TypeScript by responding to events, accepting data from the user and updating data back at the server with an AJAX call.

Your First TypeScript Angular 2 App

Here's how to use Angular2 and TypeScript to retrieve JSON objects from an ASP.NET MVC controller and populate your page with the results.

Set Up ASP.NET MVC with AngularJS in Visual Studio

Here’s how to add AngularJS to an ASP.NET MVC application in Visual Studio 2015.

The Focus Is on Architecting Modules in TypeScript 2.1

If you want to ensure that the right code is loaded at the right time (and only loaded when you need it), you can start organizing your TypeScript code into focused files right now.

Managing Modules in TypeScript 2.1

If you want to ensure that the right code is loaded at the right time (and only loaded when you need it), you can use TypeScript code to organize your code into modules. As a side benefit, managing your script tags will get considerably easier.

More Cool Stuff in TypeScript 2.0 and 2.1

A roundup of a few more features: deprecated any type, literal datatypes, read-only properties, more!

TypeScript 2.0: More Power for Defining Classes

The latest version of TypeScript provides developers with tools to create base classes and class hierarchies just like the other object-oriented languages.

TypeScript 2.0: Even Better Data Typing and Class Discriminants

If you care about data typing and want to avoid null/undefined errors, there's a lot you're going to like in TypeScript 2.0. And, if you like creating general purpose functions that can work with a variety of classes, there's something here for you, too.

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