Open Source

Xamarin.Essentials Cross-Platform Mobile APIs Get Updates

Microsoft's mobile dev team continues to update Xamarin.Essentials, which provides cross-platform APIs for a variety of device-specific features and functionality in iOS and Android apps.

Azure IoT Edge Now Generally Available and Open Source

The cloud-based solution for bringing local intelligence to distributed Internet of Things devices is ready for production and open source.

Top Visual Studio Code Extensions from Individual Contributors

While the most popular extensions in the Visual Studio Code Marketplace are naturally dominated by Microsoft and some other big corporate names like Red Hat, many individual contributors are also making waves with useful tools.

Red Hat Announces .NET Core 2.1 for Linux, OpenShift

Open source champion Red Hat announced the general availability of .NET Core 2.1 for its Red Hat Enterprise Linux and OpenShift container platforms.

Xamarin.Forms Mobile Apps Coming to Windows Template Studio

Windows Template Studio, Microsoft's low-code tool for quickly creating Universal Windows Platform apps, is aiming to support more project types, including Xamarin.Forms-based iOS and Android and (possibly) Windows Presentation Foundation apps.

New Preview Simplifes the Visual Studio Kubernetes Experience

To better support developers who are building containerized applications that target Kubernetes in Visual Studio, Microsoft last week announced the preview of an extension for the IDE.

Wrangling MongoDB in VS Code? Now There's Documentation

The May update of Visual Studio Code has added documentation for using the popular MongoDB in Microsoft's lightweight, cross-platform code editor.

TypeScript 2.9 Adds Notable Editor Features

TypeScript 2.9 has shipped with several new editor features added along with some language/compiler features.

Microsoft: GitHub and VSTS 'Will Not Live in the Same Portal'

Microsoft reassured the developer community that GitHub will retain its open source independence following the big acquisition announced yesterday, though it will see deeper integration with Visual Studio Team Services.

Details Scant on How Microsoft's Acquisition of GitHub Will Affect .NET Coders

Visual Studio and .NET-centric developers are no doubt waiting to see how today's news that Microsoft will acquire open source giant GitHub will affect their day-to-day coding, but there is already no shortage of strong opinions being voiced

.NET Core 2.1 Released, Along with Entity Framework, ASP.NET Versions

After a series of previews, Microsoft this week announced the final release of .NET Core 2.1, along with its like-versioned associates, ASP.NET Core and Entity Framework Core.

Google Taps VS Code for Flutter Mobile SDK, Dart Programming Language

Visual Studio Code, ever growing in popularity and flexibility, has been named by Google as a first-class code editor for working with the company's Flutter SDK and Dart programming language for mobile development.

Visual Studio 2017 v15.7 Brings F# Up to Par with C#

The neglected little brother of C# now officially supports creating ASP.NET Core projects via the same UI that C# supports, among other enhancements in the new edition of Visual Studio.

Open Source, Cross-Platform ML.NET Simplifies Machine Learning

Microsoft's ongoing Build developer conference is all about artificial intelligence, and one new offering met enthusiastically by attendees is ML.NET, an open source, cross-platform machine learning framework.

Microsoft Releases .NET Framework 4.7.2

Microsoft's new .NET Core 2.0 offering may be generating the most buzz among .NET developers these days, but for many use cases the traditional .NET Framework is still the best choice, just released in version 4.7.2.

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