
JetBrains Unveils Plans for WinForms, WPF and More in Rider .NET IDE

JetBrains announced plans for Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), ASP.NET and more tooling in the next release of its popular Rider IDE for .NET development.

Python in VS Code Adds Data Viewer for Debugging

The January 2021 update to the Python Extension for Visual Studio Code is out with a short list of new features headed by a data viewer used while debugging.

GitHub Ships Enterprise Server 3.0 Release Candidate

It's described as "the biggest ever change to Enterprise Server," with improvements to Actions, Packages, mobile, security and more.

Attacks on .NET Apps Grow in Number, Severity, Says Security Firm

.NET apps were found to have more serious vulnerabilities and suffer more attacks last year, according to data gathered by Contrast Labs.

Microsoft Opens Up Old Win32 APIs to C# and Rust, More Languages to Come

Microsoft is opening up old Win32 APIs long used for 32-bit Windows programming, letting coders use languages of their choice instead of the default C/C++ option.

Project Oqtane Provides Blazor-Based Modern App Framework

The .NET Foundation recently shined a spotlight on Project Oqtane, a modern application framework for Blazor, Microsoft's red-hot open source project that enables web development in C#.

Radzen Open Sources 60+ Blazor Components

Radzen, a development tooling vendor that provides third-party components for .NET coders, open sourced its controls for Blazor, Microsoft's red-hot open source project that enables web development in C#.

Customize Your Own Audio Test Cues in Visual Studio 2019 v16.9 Preview 3

Yes, developers can be alerted to a failed test with a fart sound.

Progress Touts New Third-Party Blazor UI Components

Third-party dev tool specialist Progress announced an update to its .NET-centric offerings, touting new controls for Blazor, Microsoft's red-hot project for creating web apps with C#.

Entity Framework Core 6: What Developers Want

Microsoft outlined its plan for Entity Framework Core 6, which in November will take its place as the data access component of the landmark .NET 6, a long-term support (LTS) release that will mark Microsoft's transition from the Windows-only .NET Framework to an open source, cross-platform umbrella offering of all things .NET.

AWS Open Sources .NET Porting Assistant GUI

After previously open sourcing components of its Porting Assistant for .NET, Amazon Web Services open sourced the tool's GUI.

.NET Core Ranks High Among Frameworks in New Dev Survey

.NET Core placed high in a web-dominated ranking of development frameworks published by CodinGame, which provides a tech hiring platform.

Here's a One-Stop Shop for .NET 5 Improvements

Culled from reams of Microsoft documentation, here's a high-level summary of what's new for performance, networking, diagnostics and more, along with links to the nitty-gritty details for those wanting to dig in more.

Azure SQL Database Ranked Among Top 3 Databases of 2020

Microsoft touted the inclusion of Azure SQL Database among the top three databases of 2020 in a popularity ranking by DB-Engines, which collects and manages information about database management systems, updating its lists monthly.

Time Tracker Says VS Code Is No. 1 Editor for Devs, Some Working 15+ Hours Per Day

WakaTime, which does time tracking for programmers, released data for 2020 showing that Visual Studio Code is by far the top editor/IDE used by its coders, some of whom are hacking away for more than 15 hours per day.

VS Code Java Project Explorer Gets Better

The recently introduced project view for managing Java projects in Visual Studio Code received several enhancements in the latest update to Java functionality provided in Microsoft's popular open source, cross-platform code editor.

How Does .NET 5 Do XAML? By Decoupling It from Windows with WinUI 3, C#/WinRT and More

By lifting WinRT projections for C# out of the compiler and the runtime Microsoft is enabling the use of .NET5 with XAML applications.

Updated Infragistics UI/UX Desktop Components Support .NET 5

Infragistics announced a new update to its UI/UX components suite, declaring that the .NET-centric Windows Forms and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) components are compatible with .NET 5, Microsoft's open source and cross-platform evolution of the old Windows-only .NET Framework.

New Xamarin.Forms 5 Drops Visual Studio 2017 Support

Microsoft announced Xamarin.Forms 5.0, a major release chock full of new functionality and features, but no official support for Visual Studio 2017.

MAUI in .NET 6: Xamarin.Forms Does Desktop, but Not Linux or VS Code

Microsoft's Xamarin team detailed what's coming up for MAUI, the evolution of Xamarin.Forms that will see the company take the open source, cross-platform framework for building native UIs for iOS and Android into the desktop arena -- but not to Linux.

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