After recent upgrade to latest Hadoop version, HDInsight now gets NoSQL offering.
Remote Desktop App for Windows Phone 8.1 has limitations that rankle some, though.
MSDN subscribers can try it for free with their Microsoft-supplied credits.
It's a preview of the next version of the IDE, expected to hit in 2015.
Microsoft today announced its cloud-based Hadoop service, HDInsight, now supports Hadoop 2.4, the latest version of the Big Data software.
Gartner also says Azure is still "Microsoft-centric," appealing primarily to .NET developers.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- 06/03/2014
Rumors are spreading that it may not appear until "Windows 9."
The tool was entirely rebuilt for better monitoring of applications.
Tighter integration with Visual Studio among the highlights.
The API is for the HTML Client.
The Update comes fewer than two weeks after the official release of Update 2 at TechEd North America.
It currently only works with new Visual Studio Online accounts, but that will soon change.
One Microsoft employee calls it a "business decision" -- and a bad one at that.
Reports speculate that the small tablet wasn't sufficiently differentiated from the competition.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- 05/21/2014
Microsoft disappoints some, however, when it doesn't unveil a Surface "mini" at press event.
- By Jeffrey Schwartz
- 05/20/2014
Many developers are unhappy that future releases won't be supported on Visual Studio 2012 and earlier.
The API integrates many third-party tools and cloud-based services using standard Web technologies.
Data from TFS versions as far back as 2010 can be transferred.
ASP.NET vNEXT, Apache Cordova tooling also announced.
Giving a keynote presentation at the VSLive! conference this week, noted speaker Billy Hollis decried the "fixation" on unit testing, among other topics.