A number of developer tools have been in the works and released in recent weeks leading up to the release of Office 2016 today.
- By Michael Domingo
- 09/22/2015
Readers suggest ways to build a powerful HtmlHelper that simplifies creating typical application Views. Along the way, Peter uses a workaround for extending an anonymous object with additional properties and shows how to extract values from a lambda expression in a View.
Preview version 0.8.0 adds TypeScript 1.6 support, improved debugging features, themes, and takes care of Windows setup bugaboos that have plagued some VSC users.
- By Michael Domingo
- 09/18/2015
The game development platform has native integration with Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition, which allows option to install it as the default IDE.
- By Michael Domingo
- 09/17/2015
Sometimes you need to make platform-specific calls. That's where DependencyService comes in handy.
- By Wallace McClure
- 09/16/2015
TypeScript 1.6 update adds support for React and JSX, which allows developers to use JSX syntax and TypeScript code interchangeably.
- By Michael Domingo
- 09/16/2015
If you're not careful, you'll replace your huge, lumbering unmaintainable enterprise applications with a web of applications that can't be changed without blowing each other up. But if you apply the same tools you use inside your applications to your application architecture, you can avoid that.
Command pattern helps to encapsulate a request as an object and lets you parameterize clients with queues, all while supporting undoable operations. I'll explain how to use command pattern using an example in which we create a list in SharePoint with Visual Studio.
- By Malin De Silva
- 09/11/2015
Neural network models can be created, saved and reused. Here's how.
- By James McCaffrey
- 09/10/2015
Microsoft makes significant progress with its Azure App Service by extending Node.js support by releasing a Node SDK for Azure Mobile Apps.
- By Michael Domingo
- 09/10/2015
Ease the pain of concurrent programming with the Actor Model and Akka.NET.
- By Jason Roberts
- 09/09/2015
Simplify development of your next project by taking advantage of these UI control collections.
- By Terrence Dorsey
- 09/08/2015
Since March, Microsoft has had designs on taking the Microsoft Build Engine open source and cross-platform as it ports it to .NET Core in the coming months. Progress is in full swing now.
- By Michael Domingo
- 09/07/2015
Rather than arbitrarily deciding what code goes into an application and what goes into your business objects, you can lean on the rules that experienced developers have learned to follow to make those crucial decisions.
Point release now allows Visual Studio 2013 developers to gain access to Azure management tools, such as Cloud Explorer, HDInsight, and others.
- By Michael Domingo
- 09/02/2015
You'd think that rounding should be simple, but why is it causing Ryan so much trouble? You can thank his managers for that.
Along with Sprint 87 release, a user name anomaly in Visual Studio Code that affects developers on Windows machine is also fixed.
- By Michael Domingo
- 08/31/2015
Peter returns to his AJAX-enabled ASP.NET MVC application to show how Partial Views and TypeScript work together to simplify delivering a Single-page application.
You're a smart developer and so it's possible to do everything yourself. But your chance of success improves if you build a team to help you get your app to market. Here's why.
- By Wallace McClure
- 08/27/2015
If you've been creating Data Transfer Objects that integrate several objects into one, then you've created what domain-driven design (DDD) calls an aggregate. But there are some rules you need to follow if you want to reap the benefits that DDD promises toward performance, maintainability and scalability.