.NET Framework

What's New for Blazor and ASP.NET Core in .NET Core 3.1 Preview 2

While the ASP.NET Core team primarily focused on bug fixes in the new .NET Core 3.1 Preview 2, there was a smattering of new functionality introduced in the webdev component.

.NET Core 3.1 Preview 2 Polishes Blazor/Desktop Functionality, Supports C++/CLI ('Managed C++')

As .NET Core 3.1 will be a "small and short release focused on key improvements in Blazor and Windows desktop," the main new functionality introduced in today's Preview 2 is the suport of C++/CLI, also known as "managed C++."

What's New in Visual Studio 2019 16.4 Preview 3

Microsoft announced a bevy of new preview releases today at its Ignite conference, including Visual Studio 2019 version 16.4 Preview 3, which features faster code navigation, IntelliSense and IntelliCode improvements and more.

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Accessing and Extending Authorization Claims in ASP.NET Core and Blazor

When you need to integrate authorization with procedural code, you're going to need your application's ClaimsPrincipal object so that you can check the user's authorization claims. Here's both how to get to the ClaimsPrincipal and how to extend it with custom claims.

New for Visual Studio for Mac: ASP.NET Core Tutorials, Better Unity Development

With Visual Studio for Mac 8.3 recently released, Microsoft has announced new learning resources for building ASP.NET Core apps and an improved development experience for game-making Unity coders.

Open Source Orleans ('Distributed .NET') Hits Version 3.0

Orleans, an open-source, cross-platform framework for building distributed applications with .NET that was created by Microsoft Research nine years ago, has been updated to version 3.0, with a new scheduler, code generator, co-hosting support and more.

Declarative Claims-Based Authentication in ASP.NET Core 3.0

While security in ASP.NET Core is wholly claims based, you can still use the Authorize attribute to control access to your application. You just need to set up the right policies to work with the claims associated with the current user.

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How to Authorize Users in Blazor Declaratively

When it comes to controlling which users can access which functionality in a Blazor application you not only have access to all of the user’s authentication you can authorize the user’s actions without writing any code.

ASP.NET Core Security, Part 2

Eric Vogel follows up on his previous post on getting started with ASP.NET Core security. Now that .NET Core 3.0 is out, he shows how to upgrade the code from Part 1 to ASP.NET Core 3.0, put pages behind login, create user roles, and use existing roles to restrict access to pages.

New CollectionView Highlights Xamarin.Forms 4.3 Stable Release

Microsoft announced the stable release of Xamarin.Forms 4.3, the latest update to its flagship cross-platform mobile development framework, providing a UI toolkit for building native Android, iOS, and Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps using C#.

Top .NET Vulnerabilities: SQL Injection, Path Traversal and Cross-Site Scripting, Says Security Firm

Contrast Security published an analysis of real-world application attack and vulnerability data from September 2019, finding that in the .NET world, the top three vulnerabilities were SQL Injection, Path Traversal and Cross-Site Scripting, followed by XML External Entity Injection (XXE) and Xpath Injection.

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How to Do Logistic Regression Using ML.NET

Microsoft Research's Dr. James McCaffrey show how to perform binary classification with logistic regression using the Microsoft ML.NET code library. The goal of binary classification is to predict a value that can be one of just two discrete possibilities, for example, predicting if a person is male or female

What's New for ASP.NET Core in .NET Core 3.1 Preview 1

With .NET Core 3.1 Preview 1 announced this week, Microsoft highlighted what's new in the ASP.NET Core component, which isn't much, as the ASP.NET effort primarily focused on bug fixes.

Block Stack

Visual Studio-Bundled IncrediBuild Build Tool Goes to Cloud

IncrediBuild has announced its build tool -- bundled as an C++ option with the Visual Studio IDE -- has been released in a cloud version that works with the Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) platforms.

No More .NET Framework APIs Will Be Ported to .NET Core, Microsoft Says

The old, proprietary, Windows-only .NET Framework has given all it can give to the new cross-platform, open-source platform of the future, .NET Core.

Bright Tunnel

Visual Studio 16.4 Preview 2 Boosted by Extension Tech

Microsoft today shipped Visual Studio 2019 v16.4 Preview 2, boosted with new features that come from formerly separate extensions.


.NET Core 3.1 Preview 1 Focuses on Blazor, Desktop

The first preview of .NET Core 3.1 focuses on two of the big features highlighting the Sept. 23 release of .NET Core 3.0: Blazor (for C# Web development instead of JavaScript) and desktop development (Windows Forms and Windows Presentation Foundation).

Writing the Code for a gRPC Service and Client in ASP.NET Core 3.0

Once you've got a contract that describes a gRPC service, creating the service itself and a client that can call the service is easy. In fact, Visual Studio will do most of the work for you ... once you've got your projects set up correctly, that is.

Microsoft Doubles Down on Instructional Videos: Xamarin and Python

After Microsoft's Scott Hanselman introduced a bunch of new beginner-level instructional videos for .NET, Xamarin guru James Montemagno wanted to remind mobile developers that similar resources are available for them.

Q&A with Alex Thissen: Developing .NET Solutions in Docker Ecosystem

Expert Alex Thissen shares his thoughts on what excites him most about the .NET/Docker marriage, top tips, "gotchas" to look out for and more.

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