.NET Framework

Microsoft's Lander on Blazor Desktop: 'I Don't See a Grand Unified App Model in the Future'

For all of the talk of unifying the disparate ecosystem of Microsoft-centric developer tooling -- using one framework for apps of all types on all platforms -- Blazor Desktop is not the answer. There isn't one.

Firm Automates Legacy Web Forms-to-ASP.NET Core Conversions

Migration technology uses the Angular web framework and Progress Kendo UI user interface elements to convert ASP.NET Web Forms client code to HTML and CSS, with application business logic converted automatically to ASP.NET Core.

New TypeScript 4.2 Tweaks Include Project Explainer

Microsoft shipped TypeScript 4.2 -- the regular quarterly update to the open source programming language that improves JavaScript with static types -- with a host of tweaks including a way to explain why files are included in a project.

What's Top-Paying .NET Skill, In-Demand Language?

New tech reports reveal the top-paying .NET skills and most in-demand programming languages in the Microsoft-centric developer landscape.

Microsoft's Distributed Application Runtime (Dapr) Debuts for Microservices

Dapr is now production ready in version 1.0, easing microservices development on-premises, on the edge or in the cloud by abstracting away distributed computing hassles.

What's New in EF Core 6.0 Preview 1

The Entity Framework Core 6 dev team shipped Preview 1 this week, headed toward a debut with the larger, unifying .NET 6 umbrella platform in November.

ASP.NET Core Starts Path to Hot Reload, AoT Compilation, Blazor Desktop, More

The first preview of .NET 6 arrived with grand plans for ASP.NET Core -- the web-dev component -- including much-requested features like hot reload, ahead-of-time (AoT) compilation and the beginnings of Blazor hybrid desktop projects.

First .NET 6 Preview Introduces Blazor Desktop

Microsoft shipped the first preview of .NET 6, expected to debut in November as the culmination of a years-long effort to provide an open source, cross-platform framework for all things .NET in one unifying umbrella offering.

Uno Platform 3.5 Instantly Supports WinUI 3 Preview 4 as Part of #WinUIEverywhere

Uno Platform, an innovative player in the .NET-centric development world, reaffirmed its support for #WinUIEverywhere in its new v3.5 release, announcing day-zero support of Microsoft's UI platform for Windows apps, WinUI 3 Preview 4.

Microsoft Preps WinUI 3 for Production Debut Next Month

WinUI uses Fluent Design to provide a native user experience (UX) framework for both Windows Desktop (Win32) and Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications.

C#/WinRT Authoring Preview Unveiled

Microsoft unveiled a preview of authoring support in an update to the C#/WinRT tool used to help C# developers more easily work with interfaces to the Windows Runtime, the underlying infrastructure used by Windows to expose its APIs.

What's the Most Popular Component in the .NET/C# Tech Stack?

A new development skills report from DevSkiller reveals the most popular components in the .NET/C# tech stack. Think web.

.NET 6 Desktop Dev Options: WPF, WinForms, UWP, .NET MAUI, Blazor ...

Welcome to the emerging new world of Microsoft-centric software development. Want to code a desktop app? Take your tooling pick from WPF, WinForms, UWP, .NET MAUI, Win UI, Blazor, Project Reunion ... and who knows what's next.

North Korea-Sponsored Hackers Attack with Bad-Code Visual Studio Projects

Microsoft reported a battle with North Korean-sponsored hackers who attacked security researchers with a most innovative technique: compromised Visual Studio projects.

Reports: Expired NuGet Cert Borks .NET 5 Apps on Debian Linux

Apparently an expired NuGet certificate has today caused .NET 5 projects to stop working on Debian Linux, according to multiple reports.

Microsoft's New Programming Language for Excel Now Turing Complete

Microsoft, which calls its Excel spreadsheet a <i>programming language</i>, reports that an effort called LAMBDA to make it even more of a <i>programming language</i> is paying off, recently being deemed Turing complete.

New Visual Studio Razor Editor 'Close to Being Ready' for Blazor and Other Projects

The experimental Razor editor for Visual Studio introduced last summer has been updated and is "close to being ready for normal daily development."

Microsoft Updates 'Must Have' Xamarin Community Toolkit

The Xamarin Community Toolkit provides all kinds of effects, views and helpers to complement mobile app development with Microsoft's recently released, open source, cross-platform Xamarin.Forms 5.

JetBrains Unveils Plans for WinForms, WPF and More in Rider .NET IDE

JetBrains announced plans for Windows Forms, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), ASP.NET and more tooling in the next release of its popular Rider IDE for .NET development.

Attacks on .NET Apps Grow in Number, Severity, Says Security Firm

.NET apps were found to have more serious vulnerabilities and suffer more attacks last year, according to data gathered by Contrast Labs.

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