.NET Framework

Editors Choice Awards Inspire and Innovate

VSM's 2005 Editors Choice awards, Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, are innovative products that are likely to have a significant impact on the everyday lives of developers.

VB6 Petition Sparks Controversy

A petition for Microsoft to continue premier-level VB6 support sparks a debate amongst readers, as opinions range from support to outrage.

Letters to the Editor

A group of MVPs recently initiated a petition for Microsoft to extend support of Classic VB. VSM readers encourage this group to drop the crusade and let the .NET river run its course.

Take Charge of Your Own Security

Microsoft has improved security for its overall platform in several key areas, but holes remain, most notably in its developer tools.

dotTrace Profiling Tool for .NET

Take a look at the newest VS.NET add-ins, including a product that you lets you profile your .NET and ASP.NET applications and identify performance bottlenecks quickly and accurately.

VS 2005: New Goodies, Some Trade-Offs

VSTS is an example of Microsoft branching out with the new Visual Studio 2005.

Write a Better Windows Service

Writing a Windows service is significantly more involved than many authors would have you believe. Here are the tools you need to create a Windows service robust enough for the real world.

Leverage Databinding With Less Code

Databinding in ASP.NET 2.0 is a different beast from its original implementation in ASP.NET -- there are more databinding controls and a radically different approach that gets more done with less code.

Simplify Tasks Across Platforms

Take a look at the latest third-party add-ons, including one that simplifies managing, running, and scheduling tasks across platforms to enable application integration and data-center automation.

Security Changes in .NET 2.0

New components in .NET 2.0 can help you greatly reduce the amount of code you need to write to make your applications secure.

Integrate SOA Portals With WSE

Effective policymaking with WS-Policy improves your architecture's adaptability with minimal development when external service interfaces evolve and business needs change.

MS Advances in Collaboration, Content Management

Microsoft is poised to make major strides in its collaboration portfolio with SharePoint V3, Office 12, and other offerings. Here''s a review and analysis of the collaboration-related updates from PDC 2005.

MS Announces Windows Workflow Foundation

Microsoft announced Windows Workflow Foundation, the Expression family of design tools, and Visual Studio Tools for Applications at PDC 2005.

What's Next for ASP.NET?

With ASP.NET 2.0 almost in developers'' hands, it''s time to think about what''s next down the line.

New Technologies Debut at PDC

Bill Gates led a keynote team that demonstrated new technologies in data access, Web development, and more.

Delve Into Visual Studio Team System

Visual Studio Team System provides a wealth of tools in one place. Explore all aspects of this integrated suite of tools.

Create Data-Bound Controls With ASP.NET 2.0

ASP.NET 2.0 lets you build a data-bound custom control that ensures your data is always displayed consistently.

Code Generation Drives the Future

The benefits of code generation are so strong that debates swirling around use are essentially moot. Its increasing use is inevitable, and developers will adapt.

Cure Data Type 'Impedance Mismatch' With LINQ

Language Integrated Query (LINQ) for .NET and its System.Query, System.Data.DLink, and System.Xml.XLink classes enable relational-to-object and XML-to-object mapping with first-class CLR data types.

Transform Data Between XML and Databases

Check out the latest VS.NET add-ins, including a component that lets you bidirectionally transform data between XML formats and relational database structures.

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