.NET Framework

New WPF Reference App Displays 'Juicy' Capabilities

Component vendor Infragistics has released a reference application and guidance for Windows Presentation Foundation, the UI development subsystem in .NET Framework 3.0.

CodeGear Touches 3rdRail With New IDE

CodeGear announced yesterday the general availability of its first development tool for Ruby-on-Rails (RoR). The company's new 3rdRail integrated development environment (IDE) comes with several features specifically designed to make it easier and faster for both new and experienced Rails developers to build database-driven Web applications.

Microsoft Taps Zander To Head Visual Studio Group

Microsoft has re-organized its developer division, tapping .NET Framework head Jason Zander to oversee the team that puts together Visual Studio, the company's flagship development environment.

Microsoft Buying Chat Provider

Parlano brings group chat platform to Redmond's UC stack.

Hands-On Product Review: WebUI Studio.NET 2007

A close look at Intersoft Solutions Corp.’s WebUI Studio.NET 2007

C++ Update in the Works

Major refresh coming for C++ programming language.

PPS 2007 Could Make BI(g) Impact

PerformancePoint Server launch to bolster Redmond’s BI push.

Infragistics Pushes Functional Testing for GUI Components

Infragistics releases TestAdvantage 2007 Volume 2.

Google Apps Gets Slapped

Analyst cautions enterprise architects against Google Apps.

New Research Rates Dynamic Languages

Research firm eyeballs what’s hot in dynamic languages.

New BlackBerry Plug-In for Visual Studio

BlackBerry plug-in can leverage Visual Studio.

Redmond Releases ADO.NET Beta 2

Anticipated second beta of ADO.NET Entity Framework released.

RIA Platform Provider Curl Partners with Sonata

RIA platform vendor forms new partnership, aims at U.S. market.

Vista Versus VB

Microsoft's pledge to support the VB 6.0 runtime via Vista may not be as promising as it seems -- here's what you really need to know.

Is Microsoft Office In Trouble?

Is Microsoft Office in danger of having real competition for the first time in a decade? That's the question being asked this week, as the battle for office productivity suites heats up on several fronts.

CodeGear Unveils IDE for Rapid Web Development

CodeGear is releasing a rapid application development (RAD) environment for database-driven Web-based applications that supports multiple versions of Microsoft Windows as well as the .NET Framework. The company's new RAD Studio 2007integrated development environment (IDE) supports Windows 2000, XP and Vista operating systems.

Microsoft Releases Silverlight

Microsoft has turned on the Silverlight.

'Windows Live' Gets a Step Closer to Live

The next beta versions of the products that make up the Windows Live suite were made available today.

Consuming Remote Web Services with ASP.NET AJAX

Notice that ScriptManager can't generate a client-side proxy object that can be used to call the remote service? Dan shows you the workaround.

Microsoft Document Format Voted Down

Microsoft's first attempt to gain acceptance for its Open XML (OOXML) document format from a critical standards body has failed.

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