.NET Framework

Microsoft Opens Its Office to the Internet

Microsoft today rolled out a new service for its Office suite that adds online collaboration features but still requires documents to be created and edited on the desktop.

DXperience 7.2: Impress Users with the Latest Skins

Get your grids, charts, reports and more.

Microsoft at Office 2.0

Office 2.0 Conference showcases Microsoft alternatives.

CodeGear Unveils IDE for Rapid Web Development

CodeGear’s new RAD Studio 2007 lets developers access many of the company’s products from a single platform.

MadCap Flare 3.0: Author XML-Based Help

Get help with your help.

Get Critical VB6 Updates

Microsoft releases critical VB6 patch. Plus VB 2005 Power Packs 2.0, new VS 2008 downloads and more.

Getting Started with Silverlight

Dan starts a new series of columns on Silverlight 1.0 by walking you through the fundamentals.

Encryption Made Easy with New Security Library

9Rays.Net releases new encryption security library.

Serena Treads New Ground with Mashups

Serena Software launches beta of hosted enterprise mashup service.

Express Your Designs Clearly

Your code is the expression of your design intent -- make sure you communicate clearly.

Talking OpenOffice

RDN talks with OpenOffice.org's John McCreesh.

Enable the Application Framework in VB

Learn what enabling the application framework in VB actually does and what an invariant culture is and how you take advantage of it.

MySQL Upgrades Flagship Database, Services

Release of MySQL 6.0 is expected in mid-2008.

Hands-On Product Report: Altova XMLSpy 2007

Visual Studio Magazine reviews Altova XMLSpy 2007 Release 3.

Redmond Taps Zander to Head VS Group

Jason Zander takes over Redmond’s Visual Studio team.

Using Microsoft's Silverlight Control in a Web Site

Dan Wahlin walks you through the steps and code for creating a Silverlight application from scratch.

Access Cloud Data With Astoria

Microsoft wants to help you build cloud data services with its Astoria code-named technology, a free download now in beta.

Enterprise Web 2.0: More Than a Facelift

There are important differences between consumer Web 2.0 applications and next-gen Web apps in the enterprise, said Oracle's Chief Architect Ted Farrell, and developers who want their applications to succeed in the latter environment need to appreciate those differences.

Major Day of Windows Releases From Microsoft

Microsoft released several major updates for its Windows lineup today, including the first release candidate (RC) for Windows Server 2008 and the initial public beta for Windows Vista Service Pack (SP) 1.

SQL Server 2008 CTP Slips, But Key Features Promised

Although Microsoft had hoped to release a CTP of its newest database server every 60 days, the latest test release will slip, company officials acknowledged this week.

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