.NET Framework

Microsoft To Release SOA Tool Paving the Path to Oslo

Looking to broaden the reach of high performance .NET applications across multiple clustered tiers and platforms, Microsoft this week will release a sample application, tutorials and benchmarks to help simplify the development and deployment of service-oriented architecture (SOA) composite apps.

Microsoft Plans MSDN Revamp

Microsoft is finally tuning up its Microsoft Developer Network site and promises to resolve long-running frustrations developers have encountered working with it.

Doing Architecture with Team System Rosario

Jeff goes through some features in the upcoming Rosario, including UML models and the new Architecture Explorer.

Vista SP1 Expands Language Support, but Hits USB Snag

As of yesterday, Vista Service Pack 1 is now generally available in all 36 supported languages.

Inside Silverlight 2

Microsoft's new RIA technology extends .NET across platforms.

Mono Tool for .NET Released

Novell releases MonoDevelop 1.0, a tool that allows developers to port Visual Studio .NET apps to Linux and Mac environments.

Microsoft Courts Developers for Re-Branded Windows Embedded Software

In a bid to beef up its embedded systems business, Microsoft is reaching out to a broader cadre of developers while also looking to expose its existing ones to the entire Windows development stack.

Redmond Among Contributors to Open Source PHP Framework

Zend Technologies releases updated open source framework with support from Microsoft, IBM, Google and others.

Microsoft Reveals More About 'Rosario'

First public demo of ‘Rosario’ at VSLive! showcases a host of capabilities that focus on integration.

Who Says Microsoft Doesn't Do R&D?

Microsoft Research projects drive innovation in development.

The Return of Ada

Last fall, contractor Lockheed Martin delivered an update to the Federal Aviation Administration's next-generation flight data air traffic control system -- ahead of schedule and under budget, which is something you don't often hear about in government circles.

SQL Server 2008 To Offer Spatial Data Type Support

sQL Server 2008 offers new support for spatial data types that some analysts say should deliver a real boost to geospatial applications and data sharing.

Symantec: Online Security Concerns Growing in the Workplace

Windows processing environments put themselves at risk whenever they check their MySpace pages or shop for other goods and services -- all while at the workplace.

Borland Debuts Silk 2008 Test Suite

The refreshed offerings mark a significant evolution in the Silk family, originally acquired by Borland in the 2006 purchase of Segue Software.

Microsoft Releases Robotics Developer Studio 2008 CTP

Microsoft today released the first community technology preview (CTP) of Robotics Developer Studio 2008 at the RoboBusiness conference in Pittsburgh.

Mainsoft Java Platform Adds ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Support

Mainsoft, known for its development-related interop software, on Tuesday released a new 2.2 version of Mainsoft for Java EE that offers "full support" for ASP.NET 2.0 components for AJAX-type Web applications.

Microsoft, Symantec Rethink Security Approach

If the traditional notion of infrastructure-based perimeter security is not yet dead, it's not for lack of effort by keynote speakers at this week's RSA Security conference.

Microsoft Reveals More About Rosario

This week, Microsoft offered its first public glimpse of the next release of Visual Studio Team System (VSTS), Redmond's next-generation integrated application lifecycle management suite, though the company is still not committing to any deliverables.

OOXML Approved, but Battle With ODF Begins

Microsoft's Office Open XML document format was accepted as an international standard, according to an announcement issued today by the International Organization for Standardization.

Extend Your Apps with External Add-ins

Take advantage of the System.AddIn namespace to handle logic external to your application; don't get caught by Excel's one-based indexes; and make LINQ extension methods work with ArrayLists.

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