.NET Framework

Build Ribbon UIs for SharePoint and Office 365 with Add-in Express

If you want to customize the SharePoint 2010 and Office 365 Ribbon, the Add-in Express Ribbon Designer eases UI development in the cloud.

Microsoft, the MVP Summit and the New Normal

The MVP Summit, from which I've just returned, is a very important event.

Reverse Psychology

Everything at Henry's company revolved around contracts with vendors. The IT department had relied on the aptly named Contract Manager -- the sole remaining Visual Basic 6 client-server application -- to support that business for the past 12 years.

Integrating Bing Maps With WPF

Bing Maps moves beyond Silverlight and AJAX with the new native WPF Control, which enables you to build interactive tools for visualizing geographical data on the desktop.

Reader Feedback: Inside Visual Studio 11, MIX Nixed, More

Our March 2012 cover story, "More Power," offered a tour of the productivity tools in Visual Studio 11 (still a code name) just in time for the release of the beta previews. Readers share their initial reactions to the updated beta tooling.

Working with the Windows Phone Application Bar

Nick Randolph shows how to create and work with the Application Bar in your Windows Phone application.

Live from Visual Studio Live!: Multitouch Is Cheap, Easy and In Your Future

It may not happen tomorrow, but sooner or later you're going to find yourself writing multitouch, gesture- and audio-input-based applications.

Live from Visual Studio Live!: Microsoft Opens Development of ASP.NET Projects

Scott Hanselman, senior program manager in Microsoft's Developer Division, said that the decision wasn't really about open source: "This is about open development."

Live from Visual Studio Live!: Microsoft Announces Cloud Build, Previews Visual Studio 11 Features

Microsoft today unveiled a new cloud-based build service for its upcoming hosted Team Foundation Service.

The Product Owner's Dilemma

Agile Advisor columnist Aaron Bjork talks about why it’s both necessary and dangerous to listen to your customers.

Using Push Notifications in Windows 8

Eric Vogel walks through how to send and receive push notifications in a Windows 8 Metro application.

Separating Validation Code from Business Objects Using DataAnnotations

While you can create classes that contain their own validation code, there are scenarios where it makes sense to separate validation code from the properties it validates using DataAnnotations.

10 Questions, 10 Answers on Roslyn

10 questions and answers to help understand the Roslyn complier-as-a-service project for Visual Basic and C# developers.

A Primer on Microsoft Build Automation

If you've got a strong version-control system, implementing an automated build process is the next logical step.

Roslyn CTP Custom Refactoring

Learn how to extend Visual Studio 2010 by creating code issue providers with the Roslyn CTP.

Incremental Validation in WPF

WPF provides the richest environment for developers to incorporate standalone validation classes into their user interfaces—and for business object developers to support an application's user interface.

An EF Code First Tutorial

Code First frees you up from the chore of creating databases for your project. Here's a primer on how to do it.

Sonatype Repository Now Supports the .NET Framework

Sonatype Nexus Professional 2.0 allows development teams to store and access .NET components packaged with NuGet, the Visual Studio 2010 extension.

Inside Visual Studio 11: A Guided Tour

Visual Studio 11 is packed with new features to help you be a more efficient, productive developer. Here's your guided tour.

Porting a Silverlight App to a Metro-Style App

Many developers are worried about the compatibility of Silverlight with Metro-style applications. This project shows that those fears are overblown.

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