.NET Framework

Can Microsoft Really Compete with Apple on Tablets?

Once Windows 8 tablets are available, how will Microsoft overcome the ironically incumbent status of Apple's competing devices?

Altova MissionKit Review: All the Data Modeling Tools You Need

The Altova MissionKit is a bundle of great tools that work together, but unlike a control suite, the cost savings may not add up for some shops.

Writing a WCF 4.5 WebSocket Service

Peter Vogel continues his exploration of WCF 4.5's support for WebSockets by writing the code to accept data from the client and then return data to the client whenever that data becomes available.

Visual Studio Live! Keynote: Developers Must be Artists

Businesses are under pressure to respond much faster to customer requirements and competitive threats.

Fluent Interface Design in .NET

Eric Vogel shows you how to simplify the consumption of your API by adding a fluent interface design.

Exec: Microsoft Plans to 'Cloud Optimize Every Business'

In Microsoft's last fiscal third quarter, Server and Tools delivered $4.57 billion in revenue to the company, up 14 percent. The division is large, growing and increasingly profitable

Plug in to Mono for Android for Lights, Camera and Video Apps

Multimedia is expected in today's mobile applications, and the fun isn't only for smartphone and tablet users. Mono for Android, based on the Mono project's open source implementation of the Microsoft .NET Framework, can help you take advantage of Android Camera APIs in Visual Studio.

Changes Large and Small: WCF 4.5 and the ASP.NET Web API

While Windows Communication Foundation 4.5 has lots of little improvements, the ASP.NET Web API is a very big change. You'll probably end up taking advantage of both, so here's what's in the pipeline for you.

Reader Feedback: Flash of Uninitialized JavaScript UI

Visual Studio Magazine Tools Editor Peter Vogel wanted to avoid the raw, uninitialized HTML/HTML5 that users sometimes see in their browsers before JavaScript properly arranges things.

Doc-To-Help 2012 Adds HTML5-Based Mobile Help

Doc-To-Help continues to provide a single source for a variety of document and help types, including a jQuery format targeted for mobile devices.

Test Driving a JavaScript MVC Framework

Peter looks at Knockout, one of the MVC environments for writing client-side JavaScript, and wonders if we're on the wrong path.

Build Execution in Team Foundation Server

Team Foundation Server has a variety of ways to queue and execute your builds. Here's what you need to know.

Better Debugging With Mono

The latest Android SDK provides an emulator with improved debugging capabilities. Mono for Android developers will appreciate the upgrades.

Why Mono for Android?

A new column on developing Android apps with the .NET Framework debuts. Here's the reason it exists, and a bit about the authors.

The .NET Command Pattern, Part 2

How to implement an undo/redo system using the Command pattern in the .NET Framework.

Spotlight: Vishwas Lele on Getting Started with Azure Development

Lele shares his take on Azure development and how other .NET devs might want to get started.

Hidden Improvements in Visual Basic 11

Visual Basic 11 contains many enhancements you may not have noticed.

Free Tool: Check Your JavaScript with JSLint

JSLint checks your JavaScript code for issues before running it and waiting for it to blow up.

Converting Windows Phone to Windows 8

Migrating a photo-sharing Windows Phone application to run under Windows 8.

Visual Studio 11 Is Microsoft's ALM Brand

When Microsoft talks about application lifecycle management (ALM), it's always in the context of its Visual Studio IDE, especially with Visual Studio 11.

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