Also announced was a new interop organization called The .NET Foundation.
It's free for up to five users.
It's available as part of Visual Studio 2013 Update 2 RC, and as a standalone download.
The developer preview was released yesterday.
Unlike Visual Studio 2013 Update 2, TFS isn't a release candidate.
Release Candidate 2 of Visual Studio 2013 also announced.
The latest version of the technology works fine with the Microsoft .NET Framework 4 and Visual Studio 2010. Here's some of what's new (along with how to move your applications to EF6).
A new version of the .NET Compact Framework was also released.
They may not be sexy, but package managers are an integral part of every developer's work -- using the right ones can make you more productive. Read on to find out what -- and where -- they are.
- By Terrence Dorsey
- 03/28/2014
Evolutionary optimization can be used to train a neural network. A virtual chromosome holds the neural network's weights and bias values, and the error term is the average of all errors between the network's computed outputs and the training data target outputs. Learn how to code the solution.
- By James McCaffrey
- 03/26/2014
Peter wraps up his look at offloading processing from the mainline of your application in order to improve response time by looking at processing message queues asynchronously.
Community involvement is an often overlooked -- but increasingly important -- part of what it means to be a developer.
- By Ondrej Balas
- 03/21/2014
The library is available via NuGet, and includes AdSense, Blogger and YouTube functionality.
Using Breeze and Knockout, you just need a few lines of TypeScript code to create a master/detail page that retrieves records from the server when it has to, but skips the trip to the server when it isn't necessary.
How to use MEF to add validation rule components to an ASP.NET MVC Web application.
Defining constants in your application is a good thing. But if you understand constants you can also decide when you don't need to use them, how to name them, when to set up exceptions to your names and -- the best thing -- when to replace them with parameters.
Part 1 presented six top tips for Visual Studio 2013. Part 2 wraps up the series with seven more tips that every developer needs to know about the latest version of the Visual Studio IDE.
- By Deborah Kurata
- 03/07/2014
SignalR provides real-time communications between servers and clients.
You can do a lot more with regular expressions than you think. In this tutorial, you'll use it to convert a movie list into a CSV file for use in Excel.
- By Ondrej Balas
- 03/06/2014
The technology was developed by a company founded by two ex-Microsoft executives.