In-Depth Features

Putting Productivity Back in VB

Go behind Visual Basic 2005's productivity enhancements such as generics, data binding, My Classes, edit-and-continue, and more.

What's New With Visual Studio 2005

S. ''Soma'' Somasegar, corporate VP of Microsoft''s Developer Division, talks about the different skews available to Visual Studio 2005 developers. Read Part 1 of this interview.

How Indigo Will Impact Developers

Learn what WCF is, why Microsoft is working on it, how it will impact developers, and where it fits into the bigger picture of Microsoft technologies.

Ballmer: New VS, SQL, BizTalk 'Ready'

Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer hosts rocking launch of Visual Studio 2005, SQL Server 2005, and BizTalk Server 2006.

Integrate SOA Portals With WSE

Effective policymaking with WS-Policy improves your architecture's adaptability with minimal development when external service interfaces evolve and business needs change.

Building Mission-Critical Software

Visual Studio 2005 Team System was designed to provide a collaborative environment to help teams communicate and work productively.

The Best .NET Products of 2005

Here's the list of the best software products as chosen by Visual Studio Magazine readers. These highly coveted awards were issued in Las Vegas at FTP's VSLive! conference.

Connect to SQL Server Instances

SQL Live! speaker Bill Vaughn guides you through the maze of issues you''ll face as you connect to, manage, and monitor SQL Server instances.

Visualize Code With the VSTS Class Designer

Visual Studio Team System's Class Designer allows you to reverse-engineer and visualize existing code in order to better understand it. It ensures that your object model and documentation remain accurate and helpful throughout your app's cycle.

Leverage New Features in C#, Framework 2.0

.NET 2.0 is chock full of new features that advanced developers can exploit. Richard Hale Shaw''s session explores custom iterators, trace listeners, debugger visualizers, and more.

Ajax-Style Development With ASP.NET 2.0

Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the Microsoft Office System provides a wealth of new capabilities. Learn how to create a server-based document solution, and discover VSTO''s security and deployment options.

Simplifying Service-Oriented Apps

Windows Communication Foundation can coexist with, communicate with, or even replace existing Windows communications APIs and technologies, said Microsoft''s Richard Turner in his VSLive! Orlando keynote on Wednesday.

New VS 2005 Features Showcased at VSLive!

Visual Studio 2005 will increase developer productivity with a 50 to 75 percent code reduction, said BJ Holtgrewe in the opening keynote at VSLive! Orlando this week.

Advanced VSTO Programming and Deployment

Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the Microsoft Office System provides a wealth of new capabilities. Learn how to create a server-based document solution, and discover VSTO''s security and deployment options.

Add Pizzazz to Your Web Pages With GDI+

This session reveals the essential pieces of the .NET graphics libraries that allow you to create charts from your data dynamically.

Delve Into Visual Studio Team System

Visual Studio Team System provides a wealth of tools in one place. Explore all aspects of this integrated suite of tools.

Programming Windows Communication Foundation

In this session, you''ll learn how the WCF architecture was designed, how it works, and most importantly--how you can leverage it to build service-oriented systems.

Editors Choice Awards Inspire and Innovate

VSM's 2005 Editors Choice awards, Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, are innovative products that are likely to have a significant impact on the everyday lives of developers.

Take Charge of Your Own Security

Microsoft has improved security for its overall platform in several key areas, but holes remain, most notably in its developer tools.

Write High-Performance Stored Procedures

Bill Vaughn''s session focuses on some best practices to help you optimize performance when working with stored procedures.

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