SQL Server and SDS

C-Sharpener for VB

Check out the latest add-ins for Visual Studio .NET, including a product that lets you convert VB.NET to C# and vice versa with 99-percent accuracy.

Books: Design a Database UI

Rebecca M. Riordan's book, Seeing Data: Designing User Interfaces for Database Systems Using .NET, helps you learn how to design a database UI in order to display information effectively.

Back to the Future

Does it make sense to learn the intricacies of code today that might become obsolete or change significantly tomorrow? It depends, say readers.

Download: Sample Code for ReportViewer

Try out some sample code that shows how to use the new ReportViewer controls to design and embed custom reports in your WinForms and WebForms projects.

Mimic Popular Scheduling Apps

OfficeWriter 2.0 Enterprise Edition, which bundles SoftArtisans' ExcelWriter and WordWriter products, delivers custom documents over Internet Information Services (IIS).

Accelerate Web Development

Check out the latest Visual Studio .NET add-ins, including a Web content management system based on ASP.NET and SQL Server.

Use Managed Database Providers

DataDirect Connect for .NET's native managed database providers for Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, and Sybase improve data-access performance, reliability, and scalability.

Product Listings

Check out the latest add-ins for Visual Studio .NET, including one that lets you add mapping functionality to your apps.

Choose the Right Tab Control

ASP.NET's Repeater, DataList, and DataGrid controls display data in a tabular format with various features. Learn which control is the best fit for your app.

Build SQL Server Reports Quickly

Use the SQL Server Report Designer's wizards for a streamlined solution to setting up, designing, polishing, and publishing reports.

Track Changes With XML DataSets

Track changes in files using XML datasets with the DiffGram format. This format lets you track what has changed, and what hasn't.

Books: Master C# Database Programming

Database Programming with C# explains the essentials of database programming to those familiar already with C#. Learn to exploit the VS.NET IDE to access data, and more.

Store Large Lookup Tables in DataSets

When mobile users need to look up and edit data without direct network connections, persist DataSets of lookup information as local XML files to preserve offline updates.

Add Images to SQL Server

Adding images to and removing them from a SQL Server database is straightforward using simple drag-and-drop procedures.

Speed Up SQL Server Apps

Learn 10 useful tips and tricks that help boost SQL Server application performance.

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