SQL Server and SDS


How to Fine-Tune a Transformer Architecture NLP Model

The goal is sentiment analysis -- accept the text of a movie review (such as, "This movie was a great waste of my time.") and output class 0 (negative review) or class 1 (positive review).

Ordinal Classification Using PyTorch

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research presents a simple technique he has used with good success, previously unpublished and without a standard name.

Microsoft Open Sources .NET 5 C# Language Extension for SQL Server

Microsoft has open sourced a .NET 5 C# Language Extension for SQL Server, allowing developers to work with relational data in the company's flagship programming language.

EF Core 6 Dev Team Plays Catch-Up with EF6

In announcing the sixth preview release of EF Core 6.0, Microsoft noted the dev team for the open source, cross-platform data development framework is still playing catch-up with EF6, the traditional object-relational mapping (ORM) framework formerly tied to the Windows-only .NET Framework.

Compiled Models Quicken App Startups in Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 5

Some six years in the making, an effort to quicken app startup times in Entity Framework Core via compiled models has been realized in the new v6.0 Preview 5.

Converting JSON Objects to Relational Tables, Part 2: Creating Related Tables

SQL Server's OpenJson function will let you dismantle JSON structures into relational tables, including tables with foreign/primary key relationships.

Converting JSON Objects to Relational Tables: Flattening the Object

Here's how you can use SQL Server's OpenJson function to dismantle JSON structures into relational tables targeting either transactional systems or data warehouses.

Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 4 Focuses on Performance

The new Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 4 is described as a "performance edition," with the dev team turning from years-long concerns -- such as catching up to the old Entity Framework and adding new features -- to focus on speed.

Positive and Unlabeled Learning (PUL) Using PyTorch

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research provides a code-driven tutorial on PUL problems, which often occur with security or medical data in cases like training a machine learning model to predict if a hospital patient has a disease or not.

Autoencoder Anomaly Detection Using PyTorch

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research provides full code and step-by-step examples of anomaly detection, used to find items in a dataset that are different from the majority for tasks like detecting credit card fraud.

How To: Create a Streaming Data Loader for PyTorch

When training data won't fit into machine memory, a streaming data loader using an internal memory buffer can help. Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research shows how.

Survey Finds Slow EF Core Adoption, Surprising Dev Team

Microsoft's data dev team recently shipped Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 2, which comes a couple months after a survey surprised them with indications many developers are sticking with tech that can be more than 10 years old.

Neural Regression Using PyTorch: Model Accuracy

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research explains how to evaluate, save and use a trained regression model, used to predict a single numeric value such as the annual revenue of a new restaurant based on variables such as menu prices, number of tables, location and so on.

Black White Wave IMage

Neural Regression Using PyTorch: Training

The goal of a regression problem is to predict a single numeric value, for example, predicting the annual revenue of a new restaurant based on variables such as menu prices, number of tables, location and so on.

What's New in EF Core 6.0 Preview 1

The Entity Framework Core 6 dev team shipped Preview 1 this week, headed toward a debut with the larger, unifying .NET 6 umbrella platform in November.

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