SQL Server and SDS

Microsoft Investigating LocalSystem Access Bug

Security personnel in Redmond are investigating a newly reported zero-day bug vulnerability in Microsoft operating systems and server systems.

Microsoft Plans MSDN Revamp

Microsoft is finally tuning up its Microsoft Developer Network site and promises to resolve long-running frustrations developers have encountered working with it.

SQL Server 2008 To Offer Spatial Data Type Support

sQL Server 2008 offers new support for spatial data types that some analysts say should deliver a real boost to geospatial applications and data sharing.

Microsoft Reveals More About Rosario

This week, Microsoft offered its first public glimpse of the next release of Visual Studio Team System (VSTS), Redmond's next-generation integrated application lifecycle management suite, though the company is still not committing to any deliverables.

Reduce Code and Server Roundtrips

Utilize table-valued parameters to write less code and to achieve higher application performance.

HP Bundles Datacenter Services in Name of Efficiency

A report commissioned by Hewlett-Packard Company earlier this year suggests that a major issue for a third of the CIOs surveyed is unwieldy growth of datacenters in the next two to five years, particularly as the number of business services and applications that are deployed through them continues to head skyward.

Adobe Releases AIR Runtime

Adobe releases first version of the Adobe Integrated Runtime, and open sources the complementary Flex framework.

A Face in the Cloud

First Internet Explorer 8 and Silverlight 2.0 betas are released at MIX08.

Delphi Goes to School in Russia

CodeGear partners with Russia to provide programming education.

Sun's Open Source Buying Spree

After MySQL acquisition, Sun plans to pursue other open source vendors.

Microsoft Changes the Game for Developers

Microsoft opens APIs, protocol documentation in an effort to reach out to the developer community.

Microsoft's Office Transformation

Developers explore opportunities on Redmond's new platform.

Microsoft Takes Launch on the Road

Microsoft's 'Heroes Happen Here' launch events encourage IT pros to test the company's new 2008 offerings.

VMware Supports BEA's Effort To Virtualize Java Apps

At last week's VMworld, BEA and VMware announced their partnership on a project to allow BEA's Java applications to work within virtual environments created with VMware's tools.

With Launch Show on Road, Microsoft Seeks Early Adoptors

One week after Microsoft officially launched the 2008 versions of Windows Server, Visual Studio and SQL Server, the company has taken its show on the road.

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