SQL Server and SDS

The Changing Role of DBAs: One-to-Many

Have Microsoft's new tools made you the part-time DBA?

Control Exceptions

Take control of casting exceptions, determine whether parent records have children in LINQ to SQL, and resolve cref references in XML comments.

Microsoft Outlines Next-Gen Databases

Redmond reveals “Kilimanjaro,” the business intelligence-focused successor to SQL Server 2008.

PDC: HP Startup Tests Windows Azure Cloud Platform

A startup company called MagCloud.com is currently using Windows Azure, the new Microsoft "cloud operating system" supporting software as a service applications and storage.

PDC: Microsoft's Cloud-Based SQL Services Redefined

Microsoft is evolving its strategy for relational data services in the cloud.

PDC: Microsoft Previews Windows Server 2008 R2

Microsoft on Tuesday showed off a pre-beta version of Windows Server 2008 R2 at its Professional Developers Conference in Los Angeles.

PDC: Microsoft Outlines Windows 7, Slew of New Dev Technologies

Microsoft today articulated how it will bridge PCs and mobile devices with an extraordinary blitz of announcements that included the first demonstration of Windows 7, its Live Framework, a bevy of new offerings for developers including WPF support for Visual Studio, and the first preview of Office 14.

PDC: Microsoft Calls New Cloud Computing OS a 'Turning Point' for Company

At its Professional Developers Conference in Los Angeles this week, Microsoft is unveiling the end-to-end vision for its Software plus Services platform.

Sync Framework: It's Still at Version 1.0

Microsoft claimed on Tuesday that it did not release the next version of its Sync Framework on Oct. 13, as reported by some news outlets last week.

Elementool Bug Tracking 6.0

Elementool is now shipping Bug Tracking 6.0, a Web-based software dev management suite that detects, tracks and resolves software bugs.

Oracle Takes Another Stab at Collaboration

Oracle offers up 'Beehive,' its own enterprise-collaboration platform.

.NET-Based Data Access in SOA

Simplify your development of common data-access functionality.

Fortinet Helps DBAs Sniff Out DB Exploits

New security appliance gives DBAs a leg up on flaws and vulnerabilities lurking in corporate database management systems.

Microsoft Reveals Oslo Tools

As Microsoft readies pre-release bits for its Professional Developers Conference later this month, the company's Connected Services division today announced key components of its "Oslo" modeling platform.

Microsoft Outlines Next-Generation Databases

Microsoft kicked off its BI Conference this week in Seattle with news that it's planning to enhance the BI capabilities in the next version of SQL Server database.

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