SQL Server and SDS

Red Shapes

CIFAR-10 Image Classification Using PyTorch

CIFAR-10 problems analyze crude 32 x 32 color images to predict which of 10 classes the image is. Here, Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research shows how to create a PyTorch image classification system for the CIFAR-10 dataset.


Preparing CIFAR Image Data for PyTorch

CIFAR-10 problems analyze crude 32 x 32 color images to predict which of 10 classes the image is. Here, Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research explains how to get the raw source CIFAR-10 data, convert it from binary to text and save it as a text file that can be used to train a PyTorch neural network classifier.


Sentiment Classification of IMDB Movie Review Data Using a PyTorch LSTM Network

This demo from Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research of creating a prediction system for IMDB data using an LSTM network can be a guide to create a classification system for most types of text data.

Preparing IMDB Movie Review Data for NLP Experiments

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research shows how to get the raw source IMDB data, read the movie reviews into memory, parse and tokenize the reviews, create a vocabulary dictionary and convert the reviews to a numeric form.

EF Core 7 Finally Divorces Old .NET Framework

Microsoft's new-age, open source, cross-platform data access tech doesn't run on the old, proprietary, Windows-only .NET Framework.

Convolutional Neural Networks for MNIST Data Using PyTorch

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research details the "Hello World" of image classification: a convolutional neural network (CNN) applied to the MNIST digits dataset.

Preparing MNIST Image Data Text Files

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research demonstrates how to fetch and prepare MNIST data for image recognition machine learning problems.

Microsoft Intros Next-Gen OData

The Microsoft-initiated OData protocol introduced way back in 2007 is in need of an update, the company said in announcing the next-gen version: OData NxT.

Microsoft Details Entity Framework Core 7 Plan, EF6 to EF Core Porting

Microsoft has been busy with its object-database mapper tooling for .NET, unveiling a plan for Entity Framework Core 7, along with guidance to port EF6 applications to EF Core.

Chi-Square Test Using C#

A chi-square (also called chi-squared) test is a classical statistics technique that can be used to determine if observed-count data matches expected-count data.


How to Fine-Tune a Transformer Architecture NLP Model

The goal is sentiment analysis -- accept the text of a movie review (such as, "This movie was a great waste of my time.") and output class 0 (negative review) or class 1 (positive review).

Ordinal Classification Using PyTorch

Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research presents a simple technique he has used with good success, previously unpublished and without a standard name.

Microsoft Open Sources .NET 5 C# Language Extension for SQL Server

Microsoft has open sourced a .NET 5 C# Language Extension for SQL Server, allowing developers to work with relational data in the company's flagship programming language.

EF Core 6 Dev Team Plays Catch-Up with EF6

In announcing the sixth preview release of EF Core 6.0, Microsoft noted the dev team for the open source, cross-platform data development framework is still playing catch-up with EF6, the traditional object-relational mapping (ORM) framework formerly tied to the Windows-only .NET Framework.

Compiled Models Quicken App Startups in Entity Framework Core 6.0 Preview 5

Some six years in the making, an effort to quicken app startup times in Entity Framework Core via compiled models has been realized in the new v6.0 Preview 5.

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