SQL Server and SDS

The Value of Known Entities

Since the birth of Visual Basic and Access, Microsoft has burned through a series of data-access APIs.

Microsoft Bridges PHP to ADO.NET Data Services

In its latest bid to show its support for PHP, Microsoft late last week released a toolkit that will bridge the popular scripting language to .NET-based data-driven applications.

Oracle Data Provider for .NET Coming Soon?

Now that Microsoft is discontinuing its Oracle data providers, Oracle is readying an improved release of its own ODP.NET.

Microsoft Combines Groups to Bring Database Development and Modeling Together

Microsoft is merging its Data Programmability and Connected Systems Group.

Microsoft Offers SQL Server 2008 R2 Test Bits

Subscribers to Microsoft's TechNet and Microsoft Developer Network services can now get their hands on the first community technology preview of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.

Microsoft's New .NET Rx Framework Tackles Challenges of Asynchronous Programming

Language design leader Erik Meijer describes new framework as a "breakthrough"in asynchronous programming.

Extend Sorting in the GridView

Sorting in the GridView is simple to implement, as long as you want simple sorting. For more complex sorts you have to take control of the Sorting event.

Your Platform Needs You

How .NET developers can help Microsoft face growing threats to its .NET franchise.

Microsoft Hits New Lows in 4Q Report

Microsoft's financials continued to decline, with the company reporting $13.1 billion in revenue for its fiscal fourth-quarter -- a 17 percent decrease compared with last year's fourth quarter.

Early Feedback on Visual Studio 2010 Beta

So far, the reviews of VS 2010 and .NET Framework 4 are encouraging.

Microsoft Kills Its Oracle Data Provider for ADO.NET

In a significant move for those who develop .NET applications targeting Oracle databases, Microsoft is removing the Oracle data provider from its ADO.NET roadmap.

Cybersecurity Policy Will Pose Challenges, Security Pros Say

Now that there's some movement toward a U.S. cybersecurity policy, it's time to roll up the sleeves and get to work, and that task won't be easy, software security experts suggested on Friday.

Handling Concurrency with Entity Framework

If you want to use Entity Framework in ASP.NET, you're going to need to handle concurrency problems. Here are some suggestions from a Microsoft "architect evangelist."

Attunity Adds Change Data Capture Links Between SQL Server and Oracle

Attunity Ltd. today released software that allows developers to apply change data capture (CDC) between Microsoft's SQL Server and Oracle databases.

Visual Studio 2010 and .NET FX 4 Beta Drops Today

The Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 Beta 1 bits are available to MSDN subscribers today. A public beta is scheduled for release on Wednesday.

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