SQL Server and SDS

Oracle-Sun Deal Gets Green Light

The European Commission today cleared Oracle's $7.4 billion agreement to acquire Sun Microsystems, paving the way for the two companies to close the deal.

SQL Server 2008 R2 To Ship in May

Microsoft on Tuesday said SQL Server 2008 R2, the next version of its database, will be generally available in May.

Microsoft, Google Debate Cloud Future

At the inaugural meeting of the New York Technology Council, representatives from Google and Microsoft debated their views on how data will be stored and shared in the future.

Microsoft Woos MySQL Users with Migration Tool

A free toolkit helps database users migrate from MySQL to Microsoft's SQL Server database on-premise or in the cloud.

Reaching the Cloud: App Dev from the Ground Up

Still rooted to traditional dev models? Learning the skills and processes to span on-premises and cloud scenarios is fundamental for Visual Studio developers in 2010.

Microsoft Sunsets .NET for Oracle: What's Next?

Microsoft has decided to drop development of OracleClient from its ADO.NET roadmap; while the provider remains available, use of it should be avoided in new applications accessing Oracle data sources.

IBM Acquires Guardium, Adds Real-Time Compliance to Databases

IBM on Monday said it has acquired Guardium, a leading supplier of real-time database application monitoring software.

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Feature-Complete Preview

In November, Microsoft released the feature-complete preview of SQL Server 2008 R2, the first major upgrade of its flagship database platform in nearly two years.

Entity Sequel

Microsoft's second release of ADO.NET Entity Framework 4 could bring object-relational mapping to more developers, but exactly how many remains to be seen.

New DBA Tool Helps Companies Move to Azure Cloud

In conjunction with Microsoft’s launch announcement of Windows Azure at this week’s Professional Developers Conference in Los Angeles, Embarcadero Technologies released an Azure-related database administration tool.

Dave Campbell Discusses Dallas

Microsoft Technical Fellow Dave Campbell details the Dallas data application. Could it emerge as the first killer app for the cloud?

Microsoft Releases SQL Server 2008 R2 November Preview

The November CTP is "feature complete," but developers will still have to wait for the PowerPivot-enabled business intelligence with Excel and SharePoint.

Microsoft Readies SQL Server 2008 R2 Feature-Complete Preview

Microsoft on Tuesday said it will release the feature-complete preview of SQL Server 2008 R2, the first major upgrade of its flagship database platform in nearly two years.

Fast Data at Redmond High

After the much-delayed release of SQL Server 2005 finally came to pass at the end of its namesake year, Microsoft made a promise to release a new version of SQL Server every two to three years, from that point on.

Re-Architecting Azure

A year after the first technical previews of Azure, Microsoft is launching a less-ambitious platform with forklift revisions based on developer feedback.

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