SQL Server and SDS

Not Just a Designer: Code First in Entity Framework

Code First is a new development approach in the Entity Framework 4.1 stack that can simplify the understanding and maintenance of your domain model.

Performance Tips: Speed up Data Access

Faster performance in business applications comes down to reducing the "critical two" -- disk I/O and trips to the server. Doing that means doing a lot of things right, starting with your database design -- and tweaking your ADO.NET code helps, too.

ViewModel Questions

Benjamin Day's exploration of leveraging the ViewModel in Silverlight and Windows Phone 7 development ("6 MVVM Tips") generated plenty of feedback.

SQL or No SQL for Big Data in the Cloud?

The relational model and SQL dominate today's database landscape, but NoSQL is gaining adherents in the era of "big data." But Roger Jennings says SQL and NoSQL may not be as exclusive as many developers think.

Deleting all Data from a SQL Server Database (Part 2)

In part 2 of a series, On VB columnist Joe Kunk provides a Visual Basic program to generate a SQL script that clears all the data from a SQL Server database.

Deleting All Data from a SQL Server Database

There are times as a developer that you will want to be able to delete all the data from a database as efficiently as possible. Unfortunately, doing so may not be as easy as it seems.

Why You Really Should Be Using LINQ

Peter Vogel introduces a new column on application development in the real world, and begins by advocating for Language Integrated Query.

Not Using LINQ Yet? Here's a Few Reasons Why.

Peter Vogel introduces a new column on application development in the real world, and begins by advocating for Language Integrated Query.

Build Big-Data Apps in SQL Azure with Federation

Get ready to scale out SQL Azure databases beyond today's 50GB limit with the Transact-SQL and ADO.NET elastic sharding features, which are coming in the 2011 SQL Azure Federation Community Technology Previews.

.NET Survival Guide: Data Access Technologies

The frequency with which Microsoft has changed database access technologies is remarkable, with each new scheme offering the promise that .NET developers have finally arrived at a long-term solution.

Crystal Reports vs. SQL Server Reporting Services

If you're trying to decide whether to use Crystal Reports or SQL Server Reporting Services with ASP.NET, you can rest assured that there is no bad choice.

Designing Databases with ERwin Data Modeler 7.3

This complete package takes care of modeling data and managing the resulting designs -- provided you're using entity-relationship modeling to design your databases.

Manage Database Design with Red Gate SQL Source Control

Red Gate SQL Source Control is a useful tool for SQL Server developers using TFS or Subversion, but falls short in managing database design changes.

DBA Goes Columbo on 'Invalid Object'

Mike worked as a SQL developer for a non-profit, debt management company that handled student loans.

A Well-Grounded Cloud

In a Redmond Review column last year ("What's Old Is New Again," April 2009), I discussed a move by Microsoft to reform its then-named SQL Data Services (SDS).

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