The .NET Framework has two collections that will guarantee your items are always sorted whenever you process the collection. Here's how to choose between the two and how to control the sort order (including supporting duplicate entries).
If you think Bert is all talk when it comes to his decade of C# experience, you're wrong. He delivers…15 times.
You don't have to give up on creating dynamic queries just because you're using Entity Framework. Entity SQL and ObjectQuery will let you generate queries at runtime and still let you update your data through Entity Framework.
You don't need to worry about keeping your current job -- it will be gone, eventually. What you want to worry about is keeping your next job. That means developing the right skills to the right level for the package you intend to provide to employers.
If there's one life lesson to be learned here, it's that just because a manager knows how to write code, it doesn't mean that they should be allowed to write code.
In this three-part series, we'll build an ASP.NET MVC application for managing a simple list of contacts, and in the process we'll show some of the direct benefits of test-driven development.
New versions of OData and ODataLib were released late last month on NuGet.
- By Michael Domingo
- 02/19/2015
The TypeScript approach to data typing is different than what you're used to with server-side languages. This allows the language to integrate with other JavaScript libraries, but the results can surprise you.
Microsoft Research-developed "high-performance in-memory incremental analytics engine" plugs into .NET natively to give apps ability to churn through gobs of data in nothing flat.
- By Michael Domingo
- 02/05/2015
There once was an invoicing system that, when it worked, it worked very well, indeed. But when it was broken, it was horrid.
Now that you know how to work with multi-swarm optimization, it's time to take it up a level and see how to train your network to use it.
- By James McCaffrey
- 02/04/2015
You don't have to give up using dynamic SQL just because you're using Entity Framework. The Entity Framework SqlQuery method will give you back the flexibility of dynamic SQL and still let you work with your data in an object-oriented way.
Peter finishes off his series on creating single-page applications by showing how jQuery integrates with Backbone to support updates and deletes (also: how to convert a string to a number in TypeScript).
Alachisoft frees up its in-memory distributed cache solution through the Apache 2.0 open source license.
- By Michael Domingo
- 01/28/2015
Microsoft today said it will bolster its extensive Big Data portfolio with the acquisition of Revolution Analytics, a company that specializes in products and services based on the R programming language.