SQL Server and SDS

AI Gets Smarter with Microsoft's Cognitive Toolkit 2.0

Microsoft's second release of its open source deep learning framework earlier this month adds support for Java bindings, Spark, and Keras.

Reduce Overhead When Retrieving Objects with Entity Framework

If you're only retrieving an object so that you can read its data, you can reduce your costs by turning off Entity Framework tracking. Which is exactly what you want to do in ASP.NET MVC, as long as you're careful.

Azure Cosmos DB Is Out of This World

Microsoft dubs it the "first globally distributed, multi-model database service delivering turnkey global distribution with guaranteed uptime and millisecond latency at the 99th percentile." Also announced: Azure DB for MySQL and PostGreSQL previews.

The Fraternal Twins of Equals and GetHashCode

Lots of searching through lots of data means potential app performance degradation. Hash codes can speed things up.

How I Approached Gaining Microsoft Certification

If you’re thinking about pursuing a Microsoft Certification, here’s how and why Peter went through the certification process for the second time, including his feedback on some of the resources available to you.

Entity Framework 6.2 Emerges Out of Preview

This more fully-fledged version of Microsoft's object relational/mapper is now at the initial beta testing stage, with quicker startups and a number of fixes from the preview, but there's also more work to do to resolve some issues that can impact EF providers. Also: a list of new features of the EF Core 2.0 preview released at Build.

Azure Database Migration Service in Limited Preview

With previews announced at Microsoft's Build Conference, the database migration service will allow developers to migrate on-premises databases to the cloud without so much as a hiccup.

Speed Up Your ASP.NET MVC Application with Doughnut Hole Caching

The OutputCache attribute is a great way to improve both response time and scaleability, except there are many times when you can’t use it. Here’s how to leverage the HtmlHelper Action method to handle those exceptions.

Microsoft Build 2017: Evolving the Mobile-First, Cloud-First Message

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella provided the framework of Microsoft's developer tooling and services so far and a nicely detailed glimpse into future direction. Then EVP Scott Guthrie detailed the vast number of new and upcoming offerings as a preview to the sessions taking place the rest of the week.

This R/S4 Demo Might Take You Out of Your Comfort Zone

Let's explore factor analysis again, this time using the R ability to tap into OOP, but we won't use the RC model.

Monitor and Respond to Document Store Events in Marten

It's possible to hook into document store events to monitor (and even modify) behavior.

The Best Option for Selecting Related LINQ Objects

Here's the best performing option when you're retrieving the objects at the end of an entity class's navigation property, either when you only want some of the objects or when you only want them some of the time.

SQL Server 2017 CTP 2.0 Now Available

The RDBMS formerly known as SQL Server vNext is now out as SQL Server 2017 Community Technology Preview 2.0.

Grouping in LINQ with Methods

Peter follows up -- yet again – on a column on how to group results with LINQ using the SQL-like syntax with the same solution using the method-based syntax. And, no, you're not seeing double.

Controlling Process Flow with the Template Method Pattern

If you have a process that needs to be performed -- but with variations -- then implementing the Template Method pattern will give you simpler, more extensible code. You’ll also recognize this pattern from all the times you work with it in the .NET Framework.

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