Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research uses a full code sample and screenshots to demonstrate how to create a naive Bayes classification system when the predictor values are numeric, using the C# language without any special code libraries.
- By James McCaffrey
- 11/12/2019
The mssql extension for Visual Studio Code, used to support SQL Server connections and T-SQL editing, has been updated with IntelliCode functionality and a new Object Explorer, among other new features.
The new Entity Framework Core 3.0 GA release includes a new LINQ implementation that Microsoft explained in an announcement post.
After shipping Preview 9 versions of Entity Framework Core 3.0 and Entity Framework 6.3 a couple weeks ago and saying, "These are the last planned previews before we release the final versions later this month," Microsoft this week belied that with new Release Candidate builds.
As with other "Core 3.0" products, Entity Framework is basically done at this point as the big final release is less than two weeks away, and Microsoft has provided some workarounds for the problematic LINQ implementation in the new and final preview.
Microsoft has shipped the eighth previews for Entity Framework Core 3.0 and Entity Framework 6.3, with the dev team continuing its efforts to revamp problematic LINQ functionality.
Sometimes it's just cool to take a walk through some technology to find all the different ways you can solve a problem -- sort of "Fun with the .NET Framework." Here's a look at all the ways that Peter could think of to update an object in a collection ... some of which may be foolish.
Data scientist Dr. James McCaffrey begins a series on presenting and explaining the most common modern techniques used for neural networks, for which over the past couple of years there have been many small but significant changes in the default techniques used.
- By James McCaffrey
- 07/29/2019
Suppose you have three different Internet advertising strategies and you want to determine which of them is the best as quickly as possible. Or suppose you work for a medical company and you want to determine which of three new drugs is the most effective. Resident data scientist Dr. James McCaffrey shows how Thompson Sampling can help.
- By James McCaffrey
- 07/25/2019
Microsoft shipped the seventh previews of Entity Framework Core 3.0 and Entity Framework 6.3, as the whole .NET Core 3.0 offering has become production-ready in its own Preview 7.
TensorWatch, a new AI debugging and visualization tool from Microsoft Research, is now available as an open source offering on GitHub, where it's "under heavy development with a goal of providing a platform for debugging machine learning in one easy to use, extensible, and hackable package."
Entity Framework Core 3.0 Preview 6 is out, with the development team including an incomplete LINQ implementation marked by temporary limitations and intentional breaking changes, needed before it proceeds further.
Microsoft announced a new data access driver for SQL Server that should be the path forward for data developers in the era of .NET Core.
Dr. James McCaffrey of Microsoft Research uses Python code samples and screenshots to explain naive Bayes classification, a machine learning technique used to predict the class of an item based on two or more categorical predictor variables, such as predicting the gender (0 = male, 1 = female) of a person based on occupation, eye color and nationality.
- By James McCaffrey
- 05/14/2019
Microsoft announced Entity Framework 6.3 Preview, which takes the traditional open source object-relational mapping (ORM) framework to the .NET Core space, joining Entity Framework Core as an option for leveraging the upcoming .NET Core 3.0.