
The following articles come with code downloads. To get the code downloads, click on the article titles, then click on the Code Download button.

TDD for ASP.NET MVC Part 4: Unit Testing View Model Validation

How to unit test view model validation, focusing on the controller when the model is bound to a controller action.

Customize Neural Networks with Alternative Activation Functions

Here's how to use non-standard activation functions to customize your neural network system.

Build a Windows Phone App for Consuming SharePoint 2013 Data

SharePoint 2013 offers several ways to interact with the SharePoint data, one of which is through the SharePoint SDK for Windows Phone 8. Malin De Silva walks through the process.

Creating SharePoint Application Pages with Visual Studio

SharePoint Application Pages provide truly flexible functionality across all the sites within a SharePoint front end. You can use Visual Studio to create those pages, with the added bonus of securing the content during development.

TDD for ASP.NET MVC, Part 3: Contact Service Class

In this final part on test-driven app development with ASP.NET MVC, Eric covers how to unit test the services layer.

Oh, CRUD … It's Test-Driven Development for ASP.NET MVC, Part 2

In this second part on TDD for ASP.NET MVC, Eric Vogel covers how to implement unit tests for the remaining CRUD controller actions.

Neural Network Train-Validate-Test Stopping

The train-validate-test process is hard to sum up in a few words, but trust me that you'll want to know how it's done to avoid the issue of model overfitting when making predictions on new data.

A Simple Data Binding Trick for an iOS App

Display data to a user with Xamarin.iOS and this nifty class.

Coding Neural Network Back-Propagation Using C#

Back-Propagation is the most common algorithm for training neural networks. Here's how to implement it in C#.

Creating SharePoint 2013 Workflow Apps with Visual Studio

SharePoint 2013 workflows for automating common business processes can be deployed as SharePoint apps built using Visual Studio.  

Add Real-Time Diagnostics to Your Windows Phone 8.1 App with SignalR

Adding real-time diagnostics and communication to a Windows Phone 8.1 application is no challenge for SignalR.

How To Use Resilient Back Propagation To Train Neural Networks

It's more complex than back propagation, but Rprop has advantages in training speed and efficiency.

I Get XAML, You Get XAML, Everyone Gets XAML with Xamarin.Forms

Xamarin.Forms gives you the gift of XAML if you're looking to take the short route to building mobile interfaces.

Attain Code Management Nirvana via Test-Driven Development, Part 1

In this three-part series, we'll build an ASP.NET MVC application for managing a simple list of contacts, and in the process we'll show some of the direct benefits of test-driven development.

Using Multi-Swarm Training on Your Neural Networks

Now that you know how to work with multi-swarm optimization, it's time to take it up a level and see how to train your network to use it.

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