
The following articles come with code downloads. To get the code downloads, click on the article titles, then click on the Code Download button.

Neural Network Training Using Particle Swarm Optimization

Although mathematically elegant, back-propagation isn't perfect. Instead consider using particle swarm optimization (PSO) to train your neural network; here's how.

Take Advantage of iOS 7's New Features

Apple's latest mobile operating system is chock full of developer goodies. Learn about some of the best ones, and how to build them with C# and Xamarin.

K-Means Data Clustering Using C#

Learn how to cluster your numeric data using the k-means algorithm in this step-by-step guide.

The Template Method Pattern in the .NET Framework

Learn how to process CSV files using the Template Method Pattern in a sample C# application.

Retrieving, Storing and Displaying Data in Windows Phone Apps

Nick Randolph connects a Windows Phone application to the cloud to save and retrieve data, then uses a local SQLite database to cache data for offline use.

Virtual Reality in the .NET Framework, Part 2

Last time, Eric Vogel provided an overview of the Oculus Rift VR headset. In Part 2, he starts building a game with it.

How To Use SignalR in iOS and Android Apps

SignalR is well-known by .NET developers as a way to handle communications. Find out what it can do in your iOS and Android apps, too.

Particle Swarm Optimization Using C#

Particle swarm optimization isn't usually seen as the first-choice technique for training a neural network but, as James McCaffrey demonstrates, it's a useful alternative.

Hooking ASP.NET Apps into SQL Server 2012

Use custom-built .NET Framework 4.0 classes to connect an ASP.NET Web application to a SQL Server 2012 database.

The Bridge Pattern in the .NET Framework

Learn how to implement the Bridge Pattern in .NET by building a Windows Store radio application.

Snazz Up Your MVC Apps with Twitter Bootstrap: A Get-Started Guide

Creating Web applications with a consistent interface can be time-consuming. Using Twitter Bootstrap, you can quickly scaffold out nice-looking Web applications. Here's how.

Virtual Reality in the .NET Framework, Part 1

Eric Vogel covers the Oculus Rift VR headset and how to put it too good use in your .NET apps in Part 1 of this series.

Understanding and Using K-Fold Cross-Validation for Neural Networks

James McCaffrey walks you through whys and hows of using k-fold cross-validation to gauge the quality of your neural network values.

How to Use .NET Objects to Tie an Application to a Database

Use custom-built .NET 4.0 classes to connect an application to a SQL Server 2012 database.

An API for Simple HTTP Requests

Yes, sometimes you need sophisticated libraries that handle HTTP requests asynchronously, but in other situations that can be overkill. An old Internet Explorer API may have a solution.

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