Azure Functions can be used to trigger event-driven Webhooks. Here’s how.
- By Jason Roberts
- 06/08/2017
Mads has written dozens of essential Visual Studio extensions. Terrence Dorsey sat down to talk about his background, development process and favorite extensions.
- By Terrence Dorsey
- 06/06/2017
Lots of searching through lots of data means potential app performance degradation. Hash codes can speed things up.
C# developers can dive into the basics of Xamarin.Forms, and go beyond with customizing them, learning how to target game development for various mobile platforms, and integrate it with Azure Machine Learning to build "smart" apps. It's all free in this once-weekly webinar series.
- By Michael Domingo
- 05/30/2017
With Python and NumPy getting lots of exposure lately, I'll show how to use those tools to build a simple feed-forward neural network.
- By James McCaffrey
- 05/24/2017
Demo-heavy sessions from Build will be circling the globe at select international cities. Also, this week's .NET Insight Podcast features excerpts from Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's Build keynote, in which he gives some weight to the sheer amount of data that represents developer opportunity for decades to come.
- By Michael Domingo
- 05/22/2017
Normally, you don’t care about first-chance exceptions -- it's only when something becomes a second-chance exception that you start to pay attention. But when you do care about all the exceptions, here’s how to work with them both in Visual Studio and in your code.
Microsoft's developers have been churning through code and delivering a dizzying array of tools and services. But there's still more to come this year, as Microsoft's Jeffrey T. Fritz explained at Visual Studio Live! this week.
Microsoft's Matt Nunn provides a whirlwind tour of the current state of tools and services that Microsoft has to offer developers in this VSLive! Austin keynote.
Another dozen of the latest tools and extensions available for Visual Studio 2015 and the recently released Visual Studio 2017. This time, it's build/test/ship tools.
- By Terrence Dorsey
- 05/17/2017
Last time I looked at the basics of triggers. Let's look at creating an HTTP-triggered function for displaying a greeting based on a target audience.
- By Jason Roberts
- 05/15/2017
The OutputCache attribute is a great way to improve both response time and scaleability, except there are many times when you can’t use it. Here’s how to leverage the HtmlHelper Action method to handle those exceptions.
Let's catch up with the latest tools and extensions available for Visual Studio 2015 and the recently released Visual Studio 2017.
- By Terrence Dorsey
- 05/10/2017
Learn how Mobile Center helps you easily develop, build, test, distribute, and monitor your mobile apps.
- By Greg Shackles
- 05/09/2017
Here’s how to add AngularJS to an ASP.NET MVC application in Visual Studio 2015.
Let's explore factor analysis again, this time using the R ability to tap into OOP, but we won't use the RC model.
- By James McCaffrey
- 05/02/2017
It's possible to hook into document store events to monitor (and even modify) behavior.
- By Jason Roberts
- 05/01/2017
Here's the best performing option when you're retrieving the objects at the end of an entity class's navigation property, either when you only want some of the objects or when you only want them some of the time.
New Help Viewer option allows Microsoft books and resources for the newest VS version to be available and updated with more recent and timely information. Plus: MSDN Editor-in-Chief Michael Desmond offers his Microsoft Build insights on this week's .NET Insight Podcast.
- By Michael Domingo
- 04/28/2017
Visual Studio is all about making the developer coding experience more streamlined, allowing you to get to elements of the IDE that matter to you most. Customizing the Start Page is, well, a good start.