
Use InfoPath With VS.NET 2003

InfoPath SP1 and the new .NET 2003 Toolkit let you implement business logic behind InfoPath forms with managed VB.NET or C# code instead of JScript or VBScript event handlers.

Enlist ADO.NET Connections in Pooled Objects Manually

You can boost performance in server-side apps by using COM+ pooled objects to cache resources. Be sure to enlist the connection manually each time the object pool picks up the object.

Letters to the Editor

A reader calls for less beta coverage and more focus on current technologies, such as GDI, namespaces, and exception handling.

Offshoring Stirs Reader Passions

Readers respond en masse to a recent Editor's Note on offshoring with a mixture of acceptance at its inevitability and outrage at the companies sending jobs overseas.

Book Review: Delve Inside C#

The C# Programming Language is a reference book that will benefit both beginners and veterans alike. Topics include exceptions, unsafe code, generics, anonymous methods, iterators, and partial types.

Welcome to Multiple Version Hell

DLL Hell is largely a thing of the past with VS.NET and the .NET Framework. But having multiple versions of the same components can be trying in its own right.

Test Code-Access Security

CAS/Tester from Desaware runs your application through an automated test suite that assesses and reports on your app's code-access security.

Activate Windows Impersonation Selectively

Activate Windows impersonation selectively, determine the update order of DataTables at run time, guarantee the delivery order of asynchronous delegates, and more.

Save the Hobbyist Programmer

The hobbyist/part-time programmer is becoming an endangered species. However, we as an industry need the skills this person provides.

Offshoring Shakes Up Developer Landscape

Offshoring is changing the nature of what it is to be a developer today, much as HMOs have changed what it is to be a doctor. What does this mean to you?

Bind Data to WinForms Controls

Display data programmatically with only a few lines of code, using the databinding features built into the .NET Framework's WinForms controls.

Transfer Files Over the Internet

Use FTP or HTTP POST to transfer files over the Internet with .NET. Also learn how to secure a database Connection string.

Developers Turn to Blogs

Blogging gives developers (and others) a new way to share information on the Web. Learn more about blogging, as well as FTP's own blogging site.

Use DataSets as Business Objects

Enhance the DataSet class with inheritance and extend its associated XML schema to hook validation checks and custom validation routines into DataSets declaratively.

Augment Default Controls With Inheritance

Visual Studio .NET ships with a nice set of controls and classes to build Windows applications, but with only a little effort, you can augment these controls so they serve you better.

Books: Develop UIs in C#

Chris Sells shows you how to develop user interfaces in .NET in his book, Windows Forms Programming in C#.

WinFS: The Longhorn Data Layer

WinFS offers new ways to interact with data that redefine how the operations system offers up data. Check out what's new with a snapshot of its current architecture model.

Display Label Controls Vertically

Take advantage of the GDI+ graphics library to change the orientation of the label controls in an application; also, use Word's spell check from within your .NET application.

Focus on the Present, Look to the Future

<i>VSM</i> takes an in-depth look at the next version of Microsoft's Windows operating system, but rest assured the magazine's focus remain on the practical, hands-on code and samples.

Longhorn: The Base Operating System

The complex model for Longhorn's base operating system illustrates how Microsoft has organized it, as well as where any piece you're interested in fits into the larger view.

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