
.NET Provides Choices, Options

The difference between VB.NET and C# boils down to whether you like semi-colons. .NET promises an opportunity to choose the best language for a given task without sacrificing power.

Write Secure Web Services

Use WSE 3.0 to secure your Web services and send binary data.

Dundas Diagram for .NET 1.0: Create Interactive Diagrams

Dundas Diagram for .NET 1.0 lets you create interactive, automated diagrams, ranging from complex charts that users can modify dynamically to complete process simulations.

Looking Ahead to Orcas and Beyond

Visual Studio''s future is one of the key topics being covered at PDC 2005 this week. Expect to see improvements in C#, Visual Basic, ASP.NET, Indigo support, and data handling. Plus, get hints about Hawaii.

Hidden Gems in C# 2.0

You''ve heard much about generics, iterators, partial types, and anonymous methods. But many other new features will change your daily programming life just as much.

Is C# the Only Language that Matters?

Is C# winning vs. VB.NET?

CodeRush: Code More Efficiently

Developer Express' CodeRush for Visual Studio aids developer productivity.

The Incredible Shrinking Programmer

Even recently, programming was considered a hot profession with almost limitless opportunities for making it big. How quickly things change. Today, programmers typically need to beef up their skill sets just to remain viable in the workplace.

Simplify Coding With Visualizers

Take advantage of visualizers in Visual Studio 2005 to make yourself more productive; also learn how to create your own custom visualizers.

Determine Performance Requirements

Take advantage of the Windows Management Interface to correctly gauge your application's performance requirements.

Deploying Critical Solutions With .NET

Readers who have made the leap to .NET aren't looking back. They say they're developing and deploying reliable, mission-critical apps that pay for themselves quickly.

Let Users Search Your Site Easily

Check out the latest VS.NET add-ins, including a tool for enabling users to search your site more easily; and updated tools for reporting, charting, installation, and more.

Use Google APIs in .NET

Learn everything you need to start using .NET Web services to access Google Web APIs in your application.

Communicate Between ASP.NET Controls

You can make yourself more productive and simplify your application logic by creating Web Parts that pass data between themselves.

Improve Performance With In-Process Integration

In-process integration beats out other, out-of-process integration approaches in many ways. You get higher performance, more reliable integration, and better security.

Product Brief: VS.NET Plug-In for Linux

Mainsoft''s Grasshopper plug-in enables Visual Studio developers to develop Web applications for Linux.

New Dev Tools Integrate With VS 2005

Vendors at TechEd showcase new development tools, including products that help you build database apps, enhance your app''s presentation layer, design Web apps more easily, and more.

Connect Systems With Indigo

TechEd''s Connected Systems track presentations propose the forthcoming Indigo messaging bus as the service-oriented successor to ASMX Web services, Web Services Enhancements (WSE), .NET Remoting, MSMQ, COM+, and, lest we forget, Global XML Architecture.

DevPartner Fault Simulator: Simulate Faults in Your Code

Compuware's DevPartner Fault Simulator helps you make sure your code is as reliable as possible. Plus first looks at InstallShield 10.5 and other new products this month.

Convert Between VB.NET and C#

Conversion between VB.NET and C# involves much more than adding or removing semi-colons and curly braces. Learn about differences between the two languages and how to simulate unique features of one language in the other.

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