
Get Acquainted With SOA and Indigo

Learn about the core principles behind Windows Communication Foundation's service orientation (SO), so you can better understand and create service-oriented applications with Indigo.

Convert C# Code

Check out the latset add-ins to Visual Studio, including a product that helps you convert C# code to C++ at the project, folder, file, and snippet levels.

Web.UI 3.0: Improve Your Web Site

ComponentArt's Web.UI 3.0 provides a variety of tools that help you bring your Web site to life. Each component includes broad functionality and excellent documentation and sample code.

Integrate SOA Portals With WSE

Effective policymaking with WS-Policy improves your architecture's adaptability with minimal development when external service interfaces evolve and business needs change.

Visualize Code With the VSTS Class Designer

Visual Studio Team System's Class Designer allows you to reverse-engineer and visualize existing code in order to better understand it. It ensures that your object model and documentation remain accurate and helpful throughout your app's cycle.

CodeSmith Professional: Generate Code Rapidly

CodeSmith Professional Edition is code-generation tool that uses a template-based approach with a syntax similar to ASP.NET's. Plus a quick look at Graphics Server .NET.

VB6 Petition Sparks Controversy

A petition for Microsoft to continue premier-level VB6 support sparks a debate amongst readers, as opinions range from support to outrage.

The Best .NET Products of 2005

Here's the list of the best software products as chosen by Visual Studio Magazine readers. These highly coveted awards were issued in Las Vegas at FTP's VSLive! conference.

Leverage New Features in C#, Framework 2.0

.NET 2.0 is chock full of new features that advanced developers can exploit. Richard Hale Shaw''s session explores custom iterators, trace listeners, debugger visualizers, and more.

Discouraging Moves From VB6 to C#

A VSM reader argues that Java and C/C++ developers should move to C#, while VB programmers should stick to VB.NET.

SourceGear Vault 3.0: Lock Up Your Code

SourceGear Vault 3.0 takes advantage of SQL Server's support for transactions, referential integrity, security, and more to protect your code. Plus a look at Wise Package Studio Professional 5.6

Editors Choice Awards Inspire and Innovate

VSM's 2005 Editors Choice awards, Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 and Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, are innovative products that are likely to have a significant impact on the everyday lives of developers.

Take Charge of Your Own Security

Microsoft has improved security for its overall platform in several key areas, but holes remain, most notably in its developer tools.

Write a Better Windows Service

Writing a Windows service is significantly more involved than many authors would have you believe. Here are the tools you need to create a Windows service robust enough for the real world.

Simplify Tasks Across Platforms

Take a look at the latest third-party add-ons, including one that simplifies managing, running, and scheduling tasks across platforms to enable application integration and data-center automation.

MS Announces Windows Workflow Foundation

Microsoft announced Windows Workflow Foundation, the Expression family of design tools, and Visual Studio Tools for Applications at PDC 2005.

Delve Into Visual Studio Team System

Visual Studio Team System provides a wealth of tools in one place. Explore all aspects of this integrated suite of tools.

Code Generation Drives the Future

The benefits of code generation are so strong that debates swirling around use are essentially moot. Its increasing use is inevitable, and developers will adapt.

Cure Data Type 'Impedance Mismatch' With LINQ

Language Integrated Query (LINQ) for .NET and its System.Query, System.Data.DLink, and System.Xml.XLink classes enable relational-to-object and XML-to-object mapping with first-class CLR data types.

New Technologies Debut at PDC

Bill Gates led a keynote team that demonstrated new technologies in data access, Web development, and more.

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